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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 181

“Paige, I haven’t seen you for a long time…” Nina Morrison is embarrassed. She left resolutely and inexorably. Now she comes back with Lucien Gray. She doesn’t know how Paige would think of her.

To her surprise, Paige bursts into tears and said, “Miss Morrison, you’re back. All these years, Master has always been thinking about...”

“Paige, go in and do your business!” Lucien Gray interrupts Paige suddenly.

Paige wipes her tears with a little embarrassment and hands Nelson to Lucien Gray. She smiles at Nina Morrison and goes away.

Apparently, Lucien Gray interrupted Paige on purpose. What did Paige want to say?

The idea flicks through Nina Morrison’s mind, and then her attention is all attracted by Nelson.

A pair of black eyes on the fair little cheeks is looking at her confusedly.

Nina Morrison can’t help squatting down. She looks straight into Nelson’s eyes and softly says, “Honey, do you remember me?”

Nelson’s chubby little face is so cute that Nina Morrison wants to squeeze it.

Nelson dodged his gaze and ducked behind Lucien Gray’s legs shyly. However, driven by the curious nature of the child, Nelson can’t help poking his head out from Lucien Gray’s legs and sneaks a glance at Nina Morrison.

His innocent looking is so cute that Nina Morrison’s heart is melted. She smiles and holds out her hand, “Honey, don’t be afraid. I love you. Come and hold my hands, will you?”

The smile on Nina Morrison’s face is as soft and warm as the sun in spring. Lucien Gray feels happy and satisfied at the moment.

Nina Morrison finished saying, but little Nelson is still hiding behind Lucien Gray’s legs. He smiles but he is still shy.

Lucien Gray feels a little ashamed. He reaches out his arm and pushes Nelson forward, “Nelson, you are a boy. Why are you so shy like a little girl? She is Auntie Nina, go and say hi!”


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