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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 182

Lucien Gray and Nina Morrison packed and then set off with Nelson.

Lucien Gray drives in the front. And Nina Morrison sits in the back seat, chatting with little Nelson in the baby safety seat.

Little Nelson is shy. No matter how Nina Morrison teases him, he just smiles or shakes his head or nods. Gradually, he begins to relax. He keeps his big black grape-like eyes on Nina Morrison’s face, as if trying to carve it deep into his mind.

Children are the most sensitive little creatures, they cab instinctively see whether people really like them. That’s true for Nelson.

After a while, he is already pestering Nina Morrison to tell stories.

Nina Morrison desperately searches her mind and tells all the stories she can think of. Nelson is happy. When he hears something interesting, he will raise his beautiful big eyes and smile at Nina Morrison.

Lucien Gray looks at them from the rearview mirror. The corners of his lips curved.

“"Nelson, Auntie Nina told you all these stories, she is tired. Please be quiet for a while and let Auntie rest.”

Nina Morrison was just about to say, “I’m not tired.” Little Nelson nods his head and smiles at her and says, “Auntie Nina, are you thirsty? There is water in my glass.”

Nina Morrison feels sweet. She shakes her head, “I’m not thirsty. Nelson need drink a little.”

Being quiet for a while, Nelson suddenly wants to get down from the baby seat.

Lucien Gray frowns, “No way! Kid must sit in baby seat!”

Nelson pouts with his pitiful little face, “I want to sit with Auntie Nina!”


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