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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 189

Lying on the bed, Nina Morrison could not fall asleep. She looks at the photos of Nelson in her mobile, and her heart is full of sweetness and pain, which made her heart ache.

"I'm sorry, Nelson. Aunt Morrison is going to break her promise. Aunt Morrison can't play with you in the future. Nelson, I'm sorry…” Nina Morrison mumbles, and her nose is very sour.

It's not that she wants to cheat Nelson. However, if she wants to draw a clear line with Lucien Gray, she can only give up the happiness of getting along with Nelson.

Nelson is the son of Lucien Gray.

In the next morning, Nina Morrison gets up with two big dark circles around her eyes, and her face is as pale as a ghost.

Alas, the old woman really can't stay up. Nina Morrison looks at herself in the mirror and then smiles bitterly. In order to cover the dark eyes, Nina draws a slightly thicker makeup than usual.

When she arrived at the downstairs of the company, she meets Raymond Lauren.

"Nina! Are you sick that day? Later, I couldn't make a contact with you. I’m worried about you." Raymond Lauren pushes the glasses on his nose and then asks with concern.

The action of Raymond Lauren is very similar to Troy Roger. Nina Morrison's heart beat quickly. Thus she avoids the eyesight and smiles unnaturally, "Er…Yes..."

It’s true that she is sick! She has a such deep relation with a man she should have. Isn’t she sick?

"If you can't hold on, you could go back and have a rest. I'll give you a day off." Raymond Lauren is really a good man. He generously approves Nina Morrison's leave when the project is in the most important process.

"Er, no, I can hold on." The eyes of Nina Morrison dodged. She dares not to look at Raymond Lauren's eyes at all.

She suddenly has a sense of inferiority in the face of Raymond Lauren. She is not worthy of Raymond Lauren's kindness to her.


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