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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 190

There is a clear sound of leather shoes knocking on the floor behind Nina Morrison. Raymond Lauren strides to Nina Morrison's back, and then he stretches out his arm and scratches the big newspaper cleanly!

"All of you could do your own work now. It’s not worth to watch this kind of big newspaper, and the information of the newspaper usually is false, please go to work now!"

Raymond Lauren stands in front of Nina Morrison, blocking the despised eyes of the people around her.

"The director of the planning department also helps her. Maybe even this director has affairs with her…" In the middle of the crowd, a woman with a mean face muttered in a low voice. Hearing this, people all looks at Raymond Lauren.

"Let's go!" At the moment, Raymond Lauren wants to hold Nina Morrison's hand. Seeing that Nina Morrison’s pale and frightened face, as well as she tries all her effort to prevent tears falling from her eyes, there is unspeakable pity arose in his heart.

He has been working with Nina Morrison for more than half a month. He knows what kind of person she is.

After backing to their own department, Raymond Lauren pats Nina Morrison on the shoulder and then says, "Work hard, and forget what happened right now."

Nina Morrison nods, but her heart is as disorderly as a handful of weeds.

Nina Morrison, you deserve it! You are bitch! You lose all you rules! Today is you retribution!

The snow-white bayonet bit the pink lips into deep bloodstains. Nina Morrison scolds herself in her heart. It seems that only in this way can she alleviate the pain in her heart.

Nina Morrison sits on the seat for a long time, but she is still unable to put herself into work. There are female colleagues walking around the work station, and they pretend to go to the tea room, but their eyes keeps glancing at her.

These are colleagues who missed such a good play a few minutes ago, and now they come to watch shameless junior.

"Um, the woman sitting by the window and wearing a green skirt is Nina Morrison..."


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