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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 79

Chapter 79 Love So Deep

A priceless white sports car speeds along the quiet road. Lucien puts one hand on the steering wheel and the other next to the open window. The howling wind blows his short black and handsome hair.

He has three-dimensional facial features and a perfect face. His sexy mouth is closed tightly.

Nina went home by herself. He wanted to sleep with the women who came to him, but he felt something was wrong after changing two women!

He feels a little uncomfortable as if something was stuck in his heart so that he can't breathe properly.

He wants to go home. It's better to have a fight with Nina to make him happy than to sleep with these women.

It doesn't matter that Nina doesn't love him. He will try to make her love him! One day he will get Nina completely! He wants her love more than her body.

Lucien smiles as he glances aside at the beautifully packed cardboard box.

Nina said two days ago that she was going to buy some small clothes for her baby, but she had no time to buy them. He just went to the best baby store in City C and bought some of the most beautiful baby clothes.

Thinking of Nina's happy expression when she sees the clothes, Lucien's smile deepens.

The car phone rings.

"Lucien, Miss Sulia has called you several times. She wanted me to tell you that she misses you. She used to be ignorant, but now she knows she was wrong. She begs you to give her a chance." Lucien's assistant informs him clearly. After a pause, she says, "Miss Sulia also said that she has just had a plastic surgery. She said you will like her."

Lucien smiles sarcastically.

At the moment, he just wants to hurry back to have porridge. He admits that he is addicted to Nina.

"Get her out of here!" Lucien says indifferently. He hangs up and dials another number.

"Paige, is Miss Morrison asleep?"

"Miss Morrison is not at home. Didn't she go to the party with you?"

Lucien's heart seems to be pounded. His hands are shaking. He brakes hard and the luxury sports car crashes into the post box on the side of the road and stops by the wall.

He hangs up and calls Nina.

Lucien frowns and gnaws his teeth. Take my call, Nina!

"Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is turned off." The mechanical female voice reminds Lucien that Nina really disappears this time!

Lucien hits the steering wheel! Nina! Where the hell are you! Is your cell phone dead or did you turn it off on purpose?

Lucien kicks the door open and calls Ryan as he walks out of the car.

"Nina is missing. Let all our people in City C find her now! If you can't find her, you don't have to live!"

In the cool and pleasant room, Nina finally calms down after crying.

Nina is embarrassed to see Andrew's jacket crumpled by her tears and snot. "Andrew, I want to go back. Please take me out."

"No." Andrew looks directly at Nina. His voice is gentle and his tone is firm.

Nina has a heart ache.

She looks up at Andrew. "Andrew, I have to go back."

"Nina, do you love Lucien? Do you love him?" Andrew is also heartbroken. He stares at Nina and his tone is stubborn and serious.

Her heart pounds.

Andrew, how can I answer you? If I say I don't love him, can you give up Abby? If I say I don't love him, can I leave Lucien to be with you?

That's impossible. We've missed each other. Nina is not the innocent little girl three years ago. She's just a disgraceful mistress now.

Nina bites her lip and controls herself.

"Yes, I love him." Her tone is flat, but there is a pain in her wet eyes that can not be concealed.

Andrew opens his eyes wide and holds out his hand to touch Nina's eyes. He whispers softly, "Nina, you're lying. If you really love him, your eyes won't be so sad."

Nina feels very sad.


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