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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 80

Chapter 80 Inevitable Problem

"Nina, the meal is ready!" Andrew shouts happily. It has always been his dream to spend a day alone with Nina. This dream has come true today.

Nina hurriedly dries her tears and goes to the dining room.

Andrew's smile disappears when he sees Nina. "What's the matter? Did you cry?" Nina's eyes are red. He can see that she has just cried.

"Andrew, is that your painting?" Nina takes a breath and looks at Andrew's handsome face.

"Yes. Do you like it?" Andrew puts down his chopsticks and goes to Nina. He holds her shoulder and looks down into her eyes and asks carefully.

Nina looks at Andrew and smiles. "I love it."

"Nina, I couldn't find you anywhere then. I was afraid I would never see you again. I was afraid I would forget what you looked like. So I drew you. I can see your smile every time I get home as if you are always with me."

"Has Abby ever been to this house?" Nina suddenly wants to ask him, but she doesn't. Today is the only day and the last day for her and Andrew. They must have a good time.

A faint smile on Nina's face attracts Andrew. Nina is less naive and more charming. But no matter how she changes, she is still so beautiful. Andrew is satisfied to see her.

"Come on, have a meal! Try these dishes!" Andrew leads Nina to the dinner table and carefully pulls a chair for her.

He made four dishes and one soup. The color of stewed beef brisket with tomato is very beautiful. The soup is full-bodied, which makes people want to taste it. The perch in steamed perch is fresh and fat, and the sauce sends out light fragrance. The chicken in three cup chicken is glossy. There are some fresh peppermint beside it. There are also scalded broccoli and creamy mushroom cream soup. These dishes are Nina's favorite.

"Andrew, I remember you didn't cook before." Nina is astonished. He was born in a wealthy family and never has to cook. But now he can cook such complicated dishes!

Andrew smiles sheepishly. "Nina, you said your boyfriend must be able to cook..."

Nina is so moved that her voice trembles. "So you learn how to cook?"

"Yes. I cut my hand when I started to learn how to cut vegetables." Andrew smiles at Nina. He seems to be embarrassed by his clumsiness.

Nina looks at Andrew's left index finger. Sure enough, there is a faint scar there. She can hardly see it without looking carefully.

"Andrew..." Nina wants to cry again.

Andrew reaches out and pats Nina on the head. "It's just a minor injury and it's healed long ago. Let's eat."

The simple and elegant light color tablewares set off the table full of delicious food. Andrew scoops Nina some cream mushroom soup. He measures the temperature outside the porcelain bowl with his index finger. He smiles and hands the soup to Nina. "Nina, have some soup first."

Nina takes a sip of soup and widens her eyes in surprise. Although the soup looks delicious, Nina didn't expect it to be so delicious!

This soup is very refreshing. The freshness of the mushroom and the sweetness of the cream combine well. The warm soup goes down her esophagus into her stomach and makes her very comfortable.

"It's delicious! Andrew, you're great!"

"I'm glad you like it." Andrew smiles at Nina. He reaches out his index finger to help Nina wipe the soup off the corner of her mouth.

Nina looks down and suddenly feels a little uncomfortable. She suddenly thinks of Lucien. Lucien used to wipe the soup off the corner of her mouth.

But Lucien's action was domineering and he would say sarcastically, "Nina, you look terrible when you eat. Did you starve to death in your last life?"

Lucien's sarcasm makes Nina not think the act of wiping the corner of her mouth is gentle.

But Andrew's action is so natural and gentle. Nina realizes for the first time that this kind of action should be between lovers.

She glances at Andrew's engagement ring on his ring finger. Her heart pounds. Nina bows her head to drink the soup.

Andrew doesn't notice Nina's change. There is a dreamy smile on the corner of his lips. He looks at Nina's beautiful face and says slowly, "Nina, this is my happiest day in three years."

Andrew, me too. It's also the happiest day I've had in three years. But Nina can only say that in her heart. She's no longer qualified to say that to Andrew.


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