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Omega Queen: My Second Chance is an Alpha King novel Chapter 6

I turn around quickly, wanting to find a hole to burrow into!

From where Ziv is standing, he should have seen everything!

"Ah… I took your clothes without permission because my clothes were dirty...... Sorry." I explain with shame.

A pair of warm hands rest on my shoulders.

"It's not your problem that you're so sexy. It’s my fault. I lost control. I'm sorry. And, you don't need to say sorry to me. Everything here belongs to you. You don't need to ask me about permissions."

"Uh-uh." I agree haphazardly.

"You're shy?" He asks, the smirk in his voice very obvious, "Even though for now we're sleeping in separate rooms. But after all, we're mates. You need to get familiar with me and please don’t keep me waiting for too long."

His voice is low and husky, and the smell of his body was sexy and seductive. I just feel my legs go weak and my private place go wet.

To get me wet, all he has to do is just get close to me, and touch me.

I haven't thought about how to answer. And suddenly, a cry from Mia comes from the guest room.

I immediately say, "I'm going to check on Kelly and Mia!"

With that, I pick up a plate of muffins and a glass of milk and dash into the guest bedroom as if to escape.

Kelly is awake. She is coaxing the crying Mia.

When she sees me come in, she barely gives me a smile. Her bruises have healed a lot after the night, but her face is still a little bruised.

"I really appreciate your help, Violet," she says.

"Don’t say that too many times." I put breakfast on the bedside table, pick up the baby in Kelly's arms, and let Kelly eat her breakfast.

With my gentle patting, Mia becomes quiet.

"So you've really decided to break up with Neil, have you?" Kelly asks after a haphazard breakfast.

"Not exactly a decision. I've rejected him," I say.

"So you're living with that guy?" She asks.

"Yes, he is my mate,"

"Mate?" asks Kelly, surprised.

"I smelled him immediately after I rejected Neil. And we’ve met before.”

Kelly smiles with relief, "That's good. I was worried that you decided to stay with him because of me, but now I'm much more relieved. He seems nice. Enough for you to start a new life with."

"What about you? What are you going to do after this? Aren't you going to start your new life?" I ask.

"......" Kelly hesitates to answer.

"Just leave George, Kelly. He's not a good husband, nor a good father. A man like this is not worth committing your life to," I try to convince Kelly.

Kelly stares at her broken leg and says, "I know he's not a good man. It's just.. when I think about being a single mom, working and taking care of Mia alone, I feel so scared. I've never worked before and I'm afraid I won't do well ...... if I don't, I'll lose my job ...... I'm afraid that if I leave George, I'll put Mia on the street with me."

"Everything needs a process. Nobody gets everything right off the bat. You just need to try. I really don't think you can get with George anymore. I saw how violent he was yesterday. I'm really afraid he's going to slip up one day and get you killed"

Kelly's head tilts to the side, and I could see tears crossing the corners of her eyes.

I sigh, "Please, Kelly, consider what I’ve said. If you make your decision, I will try my best to help you."

I place Mia next to Kelly, exit the room, and then close the door. I will leave Kelly alone and give her some privacy.

At the table, Ziv is looking at his phone with the sandwich I made in his mouth.

When he sees me coming, he puts down his phone and pulls a card out of his pocket, and hands it to me.

"What's this?" I ask.

"Your living expenses." He answers.

"My living expenses?" I didn't take that card, and for a moment have the anger of being looked down upon, "I don't want it."

"Why?" He raises an eyebrow, seemingly unable to understand what I am doing.

"I’ve already moved into your house. There's really no reason to spend any more of your money. I have savings." I emphasize.

Although all my savings are still at Neil's house.

I left in such a hurry yesterday that I didn't have time to go back and get my money. I have to find a chance to get it back afterward.

Ziv laughs. I think that means he didn't care about me saying I had savings. so I immediately explain.

"I know you're Beta and are not short of money, but as you said, you're not very rich either. Besides, you just bought a house, you must still need to pay the mortgage or something. There is really no need to give me any more money. I'll pay for the daily expenses of the family in the future."

"Don't misunderstand." Ziv's smile is growing bigger, "I just think you are very special."

He still pushes the card in front of me.

"I know you don't want to rely on me. I can understand that. But I'm your man. I have the responsibility to take care of you."

Chapter 6 New Life 1


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