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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 40

Hailey's POV

If Jaxon and I were human, we would be silly teenagers arguing about just a girl in class. This kiss, his lips on mine and the effect the kiss was having on me would have us sneaking off to my room or even his, while the parents were at work and we would probably find ourselves lost in euphoria and his hand in my pants.

Jaxon would have it easy and all would be forgiven because what's one girl compared to the mountain of problems that we will have to face, problems that were too big to ignore plus his big ass head? His stubbornness was going to be a big problem but I would say he is human and turn the page but we were wolves. I can't hide behind the fact that he is alpha born and his word is gold or bible.

Fighting my wolf, fighting myself, I reluctantly push him away. As much as I want to dive right back in to how we were before the attack, we have so much to talk about.

"Why did you push me away?" Jaxon asks me and I walk to my bed, sitting on it and I pat the side for him to sit.

Jaxon lets out a sigh but walks up to the bed and sits down.

"Jaxon, I want nothing more than to get back to kissing you and being happy again." I say to him.

"Then, don't stop me." Jaxon responds and I roll my eyes.

"That's the thing, we can't. I am hurt Jaxon, by you. You have hurt me and I can't just allow you back in to my life as if you did not walk out of it yourself. You need to stop getting angry at things I have no control over and going back to Azuri every time you and I don't get along. That shit hurt and it was childish of you to do that." I say and he chuckles.

"I did not get back with Azuri." He says to me.

"You know what I mean." I say, getting up and walking away from the bed. Everything in me wants to go back to the kiss, to have his lips on me again and forget about all that he has put me through. It is a little sickening just thinking about it... so I had to create a little distance to get my mind right.

The need to forgive him, to just forget everything because here he was, sitting in my room telling me not to stop. This mate of mine gave me the silent treatment for the duration of the time I was in his home after our argument and even after I left, and all I want to do is have my body in his arms...

"Hailey, I am here, aren't I? Here, because I still want you and I will want you always. I agree, things got out of hand but why should we argue over it? Let us just make up already." Jaxon says to me.

Chapter 39 1


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