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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 45

Hailey's POV

Cayden is respectful. A man that speaks with eloquence and walks as if he is floating. A man that trains every day and one that has not been loved since the death of his beloved.

Cayden would make a fine mate, I just know it. Considering the warmth I feel when I look into his eyes. How my heart starts to beat erratically when we are in a room alone together...

He looks like a model cut out of a magazine and put right in front of me, brought to life by the very air I breathe. I think he is a god of a man by just his looks and every muscle that covers his entire body. If I was not melting for the other man that makes my blood boil both by anger and what I believe to be some form of love, I'd question my thoughts on Cayden.

"I will kill him," Jaxon says so calmly it scares me.

Cayden walks over to me, to stand by my side, and Jaxon's nose flares.

"The very thing you did not want me to do to your warrior..." I say and Jaxon visibly relaxes but his eyes held onto that anger.

"If he lays one hand on you, I will kill him." He repeats and I nod my head in understanding.

I feel my whole body erupt in anger, my mind wishing my wolf would take full control after hearing Jaxon speak and spew those very words to our faces and react within seconds, shifting into a wolf. Wishing my wolf would have full control, as she charges for Azuri, who reacts quickly by dodging our attack but is still weak from the silver chains so she is unable to shift into her wolf and my wolf would take that opening to charge again and this time, successfully ripping her head off clean.

I would gladly watch Jaxon fall to his knees as my pack cheers on. I would then drop Azuri's head on his feet... Looking into his eyes with my fur covered in her blood. I would enjoy that moment very much.

I blink away my murderous thoughts and laugh out loud.

"Come on, let's get out of here," I say, taking Cayden's hand and walking away. Leaving a growling Jaxon with his father.

***********************************************A few days later**************************************

It was my day back at school. Yes, the very same school. The one where I will have to see Jaxon, smell Jaxon. So, I take this as my very first day, the way t should have happened.

Things were going to be different now, things were looking up. I was not the shy, meek little girl anymore. Yes, there are moments when I just want to cower away and disappear but I have quickly learned to shove that feeling away and face my fears, it is a day-by-day thing.

Wearing my school clothes, I compliment my look with mascara and eyeliner, not forgetting to gloss up. Just a few more months of this and I will be free to start my life however I want.

Chapter 43 1


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