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One mate and a Rejection novel Chapter 30


PART 1 Chapter 30 — 04

 “Okay,you can take her spot then.

She was on cash duty and changing rooms."

I figured it would be easy because they were right next to each other.

But later on I found out that it's not.

A twelve year old girl came in asking for a justin bieber bra in size 36 D.

I couldn't help but stare at her flat chest as I answered,” We don't have Justin bieber bras.” “Okay then,I want that one, she pointed to a zebra print, in 36 D.” “A—are you sure? Do you want smaller?” She shook her head’ I'm sure.” The little girl ended up buying a lip gloss and that's it.

I managed to avoid strange situations for about an hour until a mom walked in with her little son.

“Hi,do you need help looking for something,” I smiled kindly.

She clicked her gum at me,” I want a changing room.” “How many bras?” She counted them slowly” three.” I nodded and unlocked a changing room for her.

I watched her son that appeared to be about five or six.

He stared back and I smiled.

Suddenlyhe ran into a rack and brought everything down with him.

"Stop,what are you doing!” I screamed and glanced at all the bra‘’s on the floor.

I began to pick them all up,wondering where the other worker had gone.

The little boy raced around the store and threw another rack on the floor.

"Stop! Stupid kid!” Iran towards him and slipped on a bra,crashing down to the floor.

He laughed and put on a neon pink bra,running around like crazy.

I stood up determined to catch the little rat.

“Come here you little brat!"

I chased him around the store,falling multiple times before finally his mom came out, what happened?” she screamed.

My boss came out and eyed the mess,’ Emerald,can I have a word with you?” I signed.

Great,only three hours into my first real job and I'm getting fired.

My boss did end up firing me and I decided it was for the better because I didn't want to work at a bra store anyway.

I headed home and realized it was only five o'clock.

After a shower,some food and a bit of studying,I looked at the clock again.

Seven thirty-eight.

I guess it was late enough.

I headed up to my room and opened the window.

After jumping out,I walked towards the forest and waited until I was surrounded by trees before shifting.

The familiar feeling of just letting go overwhelmed my body and I felt all the pressure and stress evaporate from my system.

Iran into the darkness and found strange comfort being cornered by so many trees.

Chapter 30 1


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