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One mate and a Rejection novel Chapter 9


PART 1 Chapter 9

Blade's Pov


It was hard enough,trying to blend in with the night and and remain invisible to your mate who was just across the street,on a date with some other guy,then they had to go to some children's park too.

It was agonizing,witnessing the laughter of my mate being caused by someone who's not me.

I wanted to rip his throat out.

He looked at her as if she was the prettiest woman he's ever laid eyes on and she so easily laughed back,unaware that nobody's that good,and everybody has secrets.

Little does she know how big his secret is.

I followed them as they drove back to her house,making sure to remain out of sight and blend in the dark shade of my wolf with the night.

They made a sudden turn and I wondered if it was an accident.

But I caught sight of Emerald exiting the car and decided to follow her some more.

She walked towards the forest,;nowhere near her house despite the late hour,careless to the doors that lay unopened.

I followed until she stopped at a clearing,looking around,trying to catch sight of anything familiar.

Confusion dug into my gut,wondering why she's come here of all the places.

I watched as Emerald brought her phone up to her face,not missing her panicked expression.

I wondered when was her birthday.

Emerald's Pov

11:58 I ripped my eyes away from the flashing numbers on the screen and focused on stifling the panic that has risen beneath visibility.

Two more minutes and I would have already had my mate.

Two more minutes and Jared would be here with me,kissing me comfortingly and whispering calming words into my ears I shut my eyes and fell to my knees,hugging myself and awaiting the shift that threatened my life.

Would I survive tonight? I thought of the stances I'd get in.

On my knees,dad had said, it will ease the pain.

I thought of if I didn't survive.

How would mom and dad feel? What about Jason,Lisa and john? What about Jared? Will he feel as if he's responsible? Will he feel guilty? I felt a wave of shameful satisfaction.

Why would I want him to hurt? Maybe as revenge for hurting me? I pushed away suffocating thoughts and pictured myself alive after this.

A fully shifted werewolf,independent and forever non— mated.

I didn't know why I couldn't picture myself finding out my mate.

I guess it was because I couldn't picture myself without Jared,let alone anyone else.

I sigh and await the pain that would surely arrive,and then I felt a sudden movement inside my body.

It didn't hurt,the opposite actually.

It felt as if a sore muscle had just popped.

I sighed in relief.

Maybe the pain wouldn't be as bad as I thought.

I felt the blood rushing to my face as a blood curdling scream made its way out of my mouth.

I gripped my waist,dropping my phone in the process where it sat on the muddy ground flashing the numbers 12:04.

The bones inside my body began to circle and shift directions and I struggled to get on my knees.

My arms seemed to have stopped working and my right leg was set in a twisted angle.

Tears burned my eyes and blurred my vision as I tried to keep my screaming under control.

I couldn't move! Everything inside my body had stopped obeying me and was now doing its own thing.

My shoulders rolled back, letting out a sicking popping sound that made me flinch.

I felt a shadow approach and begged that it wasn't human but I couldn't turn around to see who.

I felt my nails and teeth extend as I sat frozen.


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