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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Emma and Wesley continued to discuss the script over dinner. She found that there was a lot of merit to Quincy‘s suggestions.

Quincy‘s understanding and discernment of the plot and story development truly befitted his status as an award–winning actor. Emma felt she had a lot to learn from him.

They were nearly done with dinner by the time they finished discussing everything.

Wesley glanced at Emma before saying with a serious expression, “Let me ask you something.”

“What is it?” Emma asked, confused.

“If Trevor wanted to get back with you, would you say yes?” Wesley queried.

“That‘s impossible,” Emma declared at once. “He won‘t want to get back with me.”

Emma believed that Trevor despised her, and their divorce had set him free. There was no way he would want to resume their relationship.

She never even considered such a possibility

“What‘s your take on him coming over today with a bouquet of flowers?” Wesley asked.

Emma‘s brows furrowed as she gave it some thought. “Didn‘t you say that Crystal wants the second female lead role? He probably came to put in a good word for her.”

Wesley was taken aback by her answer, but he soon broke out into hearty laughter.

If this was how Emma viewed Trevor, then it would not be easy for Trevor to try and win her back, if that was his intention.

In Emma‘s eyes, she and Trevor were never ever getting back together

When it came down to it, this was solely due to how deeply hurt she was by Trevor‘s behavior toward her in the past. He had destroyed all chances of her ever thinking that he would care for her.

Emma was dead serious as she said, “I used to be so immature. I thought that a sincere heart was enough to make a relationship last, but I‘ve now realized that it takes two people‘s efforts to maintain a relationship.”

“Now that I think about it, Trevor‘s not someone suited for marriage at all. He won‘t

be able to maintain a long–term relationship.”

Trevor was self–centered and domineering. He was proud and full of himself.

He did not know how to be pleasant to someone else. He certainly did not know how to take care of them or show them concern. In the past, whenever they were in conflict, she had to be the one who made the effort to accommodate him, or otherwise, he would shut her out with his silence to the bitter end.

Emma now realized how tiring it was to be with someone like that.

Was there anyone who did not want to feel loved and cherished?

Was there anyone who did not want their spouse to shower them with affection?

When Emma recalled the three years she spent with Trevor, she could not think of any fond memories. It all felt like a nightmare.

Wesley was surprised by how level–headed she was about the past. He nodded in agreement and said, “We all learn from our mistakes. It‘s good that you put a stop to it once you came to the realization.”

“It might be rude of me 10 say this, but if someone offered me 10 million to marry Trevor, I would still refuse without question,” Emma commented with a smidge of self–ridicule.

Even if someone held a gun to her head, she would still refuse to marry him.

A marriage like that was a fate worse than death.

Wesley laughed once more. He could not hide how genuinely happy he was. Emma‘s words thoroughly amused him.

If Trevor knew that this was what Emma thought now, he might get an aneurysm.

Wesley recalled a line from a famous movie that he thought seemed rather fitting for Trevor‘s situation. He had not cherished his opportunity for true love that had been right in front of him, only to regret it when it was too late. This was one of the most painful experiences in a person‘s life.


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