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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Once Trevor left, Quincy stared blankly at Wesley and asked, “Does this mean... that Mr. Bateson denies that he‘s getting married to Crystal?”

There was a taunting smile on Wesley‘s lips as he said, “It doesn‘t matter if he admits it or not. Either way, he had let someone slip through his fingers, and he can‘t change that.”

It had not escaped Wesley‘s notice that Trevor seemed to have lingering feelings for his ex–wife.

Their divorce had been settled so quickly that Wesley had assumed Trevor would never give Emma a second look.

That being said, Trevor remained haughty and full of himself, and he did not seem to realize that he was still hung up on Emma.

If that were the case, then... Wesley fervently hoped that Trevor remained clueless forever.

Quincy laughed. “Wesley, are you telling me that you and Mr. Bateson have your eyes on the same woman?”

The hostility between them evidently stemmed from conflict over a woman.

Wesley chuckled. “We‘ll discuss this once I manage to win her over.”

Emma had been caught up in all sorts of rumors and gossip recently. Wesley did not want to burden her with even more trouble.

He had all the time in the world anyway. Emma was working with him now, so he would have plenty of opportunities to get to know her belter.

The two men turned their attention back to the script and the contract. Quincy shared his thoughts about the script, and Wesley jotted them down, intending to pass them on to Emma..

Meanwhile, Trevor remained cranky all day long. Jared called him twice, and Alice called more than three times, but he did not pick up any of their calls.

He was certain that they were calling about Crystal, and he did not want to bother listening to what they had to say.

After leaving a business dinner that night, Trevor instructed his driver to drop him off at Emma‘s place.

She did say her cramps were so painful that she could not get out of bed, and since he was collaborating with her on a project, it was reasonable for him to pay her a visit.

When the car drove past a flower shop, he got his driver to make a stop, and he came out with a bouquet of flowers.

During their marriage, Emma was fond of placing fresh flowers around the house. It helped those in the house to feel a lot more relaxed and welcomed.

She poured a lot of time and attention into the decor. In the past, Trevor could not be bothered to notice any of it, but in the year since their divorce, he still kept the house just as she had left it.

Once the car pulled up at Emma‘s place, Trevor sent the driver off before heading up to Emma‘s floor with the flowers in hand.

This time, Emma was home, so the door opened soon after he knocked.

Emma was startled to find Trevor standing outside her door.

Trevor held the bouquet of flowers out to her with an indifferent expression. He was about to ask if she was feeling any belter when he saw Wesley stepping out of the kitchen with an apron on and asking, “Who is it at the door?”

Trevor stared at Wesley in disbelief. Wesley was dressed in a casual outfit, but he had a feminine apron that was clearly too small for him tied around his waist, and a spatula in his hand as if he was in the middle of cooking something

Wesley‘s appearance made it seem like he and Emma were a couple staying together.

Trevor got the shock of his life, and even that could barely begin to describe what he was feeling.

Wesley was a little staggered 10 see Trevor too, especially when he saw the flowers in his hands.

However, he regained his composure almost immediately and stepped forward to greet Trevor on behalf of the still shellshocked Emma. “What a surprise to see you here, Mr. Bateson. Come on in.”

Trevor‘s expression was dark as he swiftly took a step back and retracted his hand that was holding the bouquet of flowers out. He slammed Emma‘s grill door shut before marching off.

Hah!Why would I go in when she has another man in the house? One who was cooking for her too!What, go in and spend the rest of the night as the third wheel?Go in and watch them be all lovey–dovey with each other?


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