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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Seeing the stubborn look on Emma‘s face, Trevor gave in and went to ask for a wheelchair.

She was the patient, after all. He had to go with her wishes.

Frankly speaking, he had never realized how stubborn she could be. During their marriage, she had always gone along with whatever he said.

After setting her into a wheelchair, he placed his jacket around her shoulders once more since she would easily flash someone with the way she was currently dressed.

“The ankle is fine,” the doctor concluded after checking her over. “It is merely swollen because you sprained it. Apply some pain relief spray on it, avoid walking too much for the next few days, and focus on resting it.”

She let out a sigh of relief. “I see. Thank you.”

“Do we not need to scan her ankle?” Trevor insistently asked, still worried.

How could the doctor conclude that her ankle was fine just by pinching her ankle?

After all, it would be very bad if she had a bonc fracture.

The doctor stared at Trevor, speechless, with a look that asked Trevor if he was telling a doctor how to do their job.

With all the years of training behind him, he was absolutely sure she had only sprained her ankle. The injury was not serious enough for anything bad to happen to her bones.

If she had a broken ankle, she would not be sitting there so calmly. Instead, she would be writhing in pain.

“Thank you, doctor,” she hurriedly spoke up, dispersing the tension in the air. “I will be heading to the pharmacy then.”

After shooting the doctor an upset glare, Trevor pushed her out of the room.

“I‘ll have Kaleb come to take a look at your injury.” He pulled out his phone as soon as they left the doctor‘s office. After all, he was still worried.

“There is no need to make a big fuss about this.” She could feel a headache building from his behavior. “If it was that serious, I would be screaming in pain.”

Her response only angered him further. He was only doing this for her sake, yet she

complained that he was making a fuss about nothing.

Despite his anger, the rational part of his mind reminded him that he could not get angry because she was the patient here.

Thus, he said as patiently as he could, “Even so, you are too afraid to even walk right now, yes?”

“That is because we have yet to treat the injury,” she replied. “Once I put some pain relief spray on it and the swelling dies down, it will feel better.”

Furthermore, he never gave her a chance to try walking. How could she know if she could bear to walk on that ankle?

She had only exaggerated her symptoms and insisted on a wheelchair because she did not want him to carry her.

Since Emma was so adamant about it, Trevor could only grab the medication for her before leaving the hospital.

As they pulled up to her home, Wesley and Susanna appeared.

When Susanna spotted Emma, she immediately ran out of the car toward her. She pushed Trevor away, intent on helping Emma even though she was wearing high heels as well.

That rendered Trevor speechless.

“How does your ankle feel?” Susanna worriedly asked. “What did the doctor say?”

“I am fine. It is just swollen, and I only need a few days of rest,” Emma replied in a comforting tone.

Susanna let out a sigh of relief before she began to passive–aggressively mock Trevor. “Some people would only be capable of hurting other people. You were fine the entire night until you went out with him.”

There was nothing about Trevor that Susanna liked. Adam and Wesley would be better for Emma since they actually cared about her.

Only people who cared about her would love her and take good care of her.


All he ever did was hurt Emma.

Despite being insulted, Trevor had nothing to say to refute her statements.

After all, she was correct. Emma sprained her ankle because of him.

Emma tugged at Susanna‘s arm, telling her not to continue on.


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