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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 111

Chapter 111

The article exploded all over the Internet and was viral on many social media platforms.

Everyone had thought Crystal and Trevor made the perfect couple. After all, they were equally beautiful people who came from powerful families.

However, after reading through the post, they realized Crystal had been acting like a scheming vixen. The photos of her going to bridal boutiques and jewelry shops were all staged by her.

With the increase in views, more people were commenting on the issue.

Someone stated, ‘Supposedly, Crystal dumped Trevor all those years ago because she wanted to make her way through the entertainment industry through her own might. In the end, she is only a popular celebrity now because of him.––


Underneath that comment, there were even more mocking replies.

‘Damn, just what does she think he is? Was he someone she could dump and date as she pleased?

“Thank goodness Trevor did not like Crystal. He would be a fool otherwise!

When she read those comments, Susanna couldn‘t hold back her laughter.

She would be happy as long as the comments insulted Crystal and Trevor.

“Crystal is the classic example of what happens when you go overboard with schemes,” Susanna said as she logged into her alternate account on Twitter to comment on the post.

‘Everyone knows Trevor was once married. Take a look at the timeline of this entire fiasco:

Although everyone in Jonestown knew Trevor Bateson was once married, no one knew who his ex–wife was.

Thanks to Susanna‘s gentle reminder, the netizens began to look into the timeline of events. They then realized that Crystal had been starting rumors of an affair with Trevor while he was still married. It suddenly felt like they were looking at a homewrecker.


Thus, there was a brand new wave of insults directed at Crystal for interfering in another man‘s marriage. She was called all sorts of insulting names.

just as they were happily calling her names, Susanna posted another comment using her altcrnate account, ‘Crystal did not do anything wrong, honestly. If Trevor had spoken up and clarified the whole thing, she would not have continued doing so.

At that, the netizens began to target Trevor as well.

To them, he was a two–timing bastard as he had hurt both Crystal and his actual wife.

In the end, the netizens concluded that Trevor Bateson was an absolute bastard.

One had to admit that Susanna did well in steering the opinions of the netizens.

Once she was done, both Crystal and Trevor were bashed harshly and continuously.

She happily threw her phone to the side and cheered, “Justice has been served!”

That was just how Susanna operated. She dither loved or hated someone, never in between.

“You have to be careful,” Emma reminded with a sigh. “Do not forget which account you are using.”

Susanna was more invested in the situation than Emma herself because Emma had already moved on.

As for why she moved on, it was likely because she had already grown numb to the


“Even if I really did use the wrong account what‘s done is done,” Susanna dismissively responded. “People will just say that I am making up lies about her because I don‘t like her. It is a fact that I do not like her anyway. If I am exposed, I will just bash her openly.”

It was then that Wesley walked out of the kitchen. When he heard that, he exasperatedly said, “Do you really think it‘s okay to say that when your boss can hear


As her boss, he would have to clean up her mess.

“I‘m sorry, President Zurich,” Susanna said while throwing him a smile. “I will mind my actions and never draw hate to the company.”


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