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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Rosalina did not agree with Crystal‘s approach. “Crystal, let it pass. Since you‘ve already broken up with him, just go on and live your own life. Leave the rest to your father to handle.”

Although Rosalina was also extremely upset that things had turned out this way, she thought it might be better for Crystal to keep an open mind.

Indeed, Trevor was the leader among the young talents in Jonestown, but he was not the only young talent out there. If Crystal gave up on Trevor, she could still find a better one.

Thinking of that, Rosalina hurriedly urged, “Give up on him, and I‘ll find a man better than him for you.”

Crystal roared furiously, “What do you take my feelings for. Mom?” »

Rosalina was puzzled to be yelled al, so she muttered unhappily, “I told you to break up and return home to win Trevor‘s heart last time, and you didn‘t make a fuss. Why are you not as open–minded anymore?”

Rosalina did not take her daughter as someone who would be easily swayed by love. She and Thomas had taught her since childhood that family interests were the top priority. Love was not something that could bring her money.

Back then, she and Thomas told her that Trevor was a better choice, so Crystal broke up with her boyfriend and returned to the country without saying a word. Rosalina assumed that Crystal could still be carefree, but she did not expect Crystal to be so persistent to be with him.

Crystal wiped away her tears and grunted bitterly, “I don‘t have lingering feelings for Trevor. It just frustrates me to lose to someone like Emma, who has nothing! How dare she take Trevor away from me?! I‘m not willing to accept that!” The tone Crystal spoke in emphasized her unwillingness to let him go.

In fact, to put it bluntly, her so–called unwillingness was nothing but vanity. She had been spoiled since she was a child, so she could not bear to experience any failures or setbacks.

Only she could initiate a breakup; no one could dump her first.

Whether it was her breaking up with that foreign boyfriend or later breaking up with Trevor, she was the one who brought it up first, and it did not make her feel ashamed at all.

Now that she tried her best to marry him, he did not want her anymore. Moreover, it

was because of Emma, that useless woman, Anger boiled within her as she clenched her teeth when she thought about it. That was why she wanted revenge against Trevor and Emma.

Rosalina did not expect her daughter to have such a mentality, so she was speechless for a while.

At this moment, Thomas spoke, “What are your plans?”

Crystal snorted. “I have to make a comeback as soon as possible. Emma is also part of the entertainment industry, so I can only teach her a lesson if I stay in this industry!”

According to her connections in the circle over the years, as well as her father‘s wealth, it was easy for her to spite Emma.

So what if Emma had Trevor‘s protection?

Could he protect her 24 hours a day?

So what if Trevor was powerful and wealthy?

Wasn‘t her father the same?

Thomas pondered for a while and said, “No matter what your plans are in the future, don‘t show your face to the public in the meantime. You can make a comeback when the public opinion has completely quieted down.”

“Dad!” Crystal whined in dissatisfaction

She could not even wait for a day to make a comeback, but since it was Thomas instructions, she had no choice but to oblige.

Thomas then added, “Now that the situation has turned out this way, there‘s no way you‘re staying with Bateson Group Films. We‘ll get a lawyer to terminate your contract so that you can become independent. Besides, Bateson Group Films is just like any other film agency.”

He dismissively announced, “I will find sponsors to invest in you, and you‘ll be starting your own entertainment company By then, do your best to crumple Bateson Group Films and Alpha Productions.”


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