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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43 Emma changed into light and comfortable clothes as she planned to head on a shopping spree at thesupermarket to prepare to write her script in seclusion.

However, she was just about to leave the house when she received a phone call.

The call came from Cerys.

Cerys Penrose was Trevor’s other special assistant.

Together with Cyrus Penrose, they were Trevor's left-and right-hand men.

Cerys Penrose and Cyrus Penrose were twins.

It was said that they came from a poor mountainous area and it was the charity foundation under the Bateson Family that supported them and financed their studiesas they went abroad for further growth and grew into outstanding talents.

After they graduated, they joined the Bateson Group and worked diligently for their employer together.

Cerys’ personality was calm and reserved.

What’s more, she was a veritable workaholic.

Therefore, Trevor often assigned many important matters to her to handle.

At this moment, she issued an invitation to Emma on the phone in a business-like manner.

“Miss Yates, let’s meel up to discuss the project.

I just look over the role today, so there are many things that I am not familiar with.” Emma happily agreed.

"Sure." She often dealt with Cerys when she was still Mrs.

Bateson, so she had a pretty good relationship with Cerys.

Cerys continued, "You can decide on the time and place." Emma was just about to head to the shopping mall.

For that reason, she suggested one of the cafes at the shopping mall and they agreed to meet therein twenty minutes.

Cerys was as capable and neat as usual.

Emma greeted Cerys with a soft smile after taking a seat.

“Long time no see, Cerys.

You're getting more and more beautiful." On the other hand, Cerys looked at Emma deeply before she repliedemotionally, "And you've gotten more confident." Cerys' statement startled Emma slightly.

Are the changes I experienced so obvious? One could only imagine how unsettled and subservient she used to be under Trevor’s scornful attitude.

As soon as that thought crossed her mind, she couldn't help blurting out, “I left an unsuitable partner and ended a flawed relationship, so it feels like I’ve beenborn all over again." Cerys frowned slightly.

Before she came, her employer had ordered that she report every word and sentence that they talked about to him.

However, she was not sure whether she should report what Emma said just now.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries with each other, they entered a working state.

It could be seen that Cerys was indeed going to take over the project in the future.

Hence, it felt as though a heavy weight had lifted from Emma’s heart.

As long as she did not meet Trevor, she could stay away from trouble.

When they finished discussing work, Cerys took out two boxes of ointment from her bag and handed them to Emma.

“I heard that you injured your arm.

I have a few ointments here that are very effective.

They all have wonderful skin-healing properties." Emma did not expect Cerys to be so kind as to give hersome medicine.

Although Adam had left her with two boxes of medicine, she did not wish to brush off Cerys’ kindness.

Thus, she took them from Cerys "Thanks." Cerys shook her head.

“It’s nothing.”

Emma added, “There’s one more thing.

We’re going to be working together in the future.

Please don’t speak so formally to me.

It’s inappropriate.”

She used to be Mrs.

Bateson in the past, so Cerys had always spoken formally to her out of courtesy.

However, they only had a simple cooperative relationship between them at the moment.

It was inappropriate for Cerys to speak so formally to her.

Cerys considered those words for some time before she nodded in agreement.

"Okay." As Emma intended to head for shopping later, she stood up and took her leave first.

Following Emma's departure, Cerys took out her phone and sent out a message.


Bateson, I’ve delivered the medicine.

Then, she continued to report the results of her discussion with Emma to Trevor whereby everything had gone smoothly.


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