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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44 Emma's inquiring gaze turned toward Wesley, who was standing next to her. Wesley gave her a helpless expression, indicating that he had no ideaas to why Trevor was here either.

The director was known as Joseph Hayward and he reacted much faster than Emma and Wesley.

As soon as he saw Trevor entering the room, he immediately went over to greet Trevor witha smile on his face.


Bateson, I didn't expect you to come to this party in person.

Truly a rare guest indeed." ; Trevor exchanged a simple handshake with the director.

"Of course, I have to attend a party that you're hosting, Director Hayward.” After the director and his party greeted Trevor, Wesley finally brought Emma forward with him.

Although the discussion between Wesley and Trevor had gone sour previously, they decided to bury the hatchet since they were going to continue their cooperation onthis project.

Wesley wore a shallow smile on his face as he exchanged pleasantries with Trevor.

In the end, she had no choice but to face Trevor.

She bravely brought out her most respectful and restrained attitude that was suitable for a newcomer in the workplace like her to greet him.

“Nice to meet you, Mr.

Bateson." Aside from Cerys and Wesley, nobody else knew about her past with him.

The director interjected and smiled widely at Trevor.


Bateson, the scriptwriter failed to show up previously due to a sudden emergency.

Seeing her today, I didn't expect her to be so young and beautiful.

We will have a beautiful woman to admire at work in the future, so we won’t feel sotired." He believed that he was praising Emma with his words.

However, he received a chilly stare from Trevor for some reason.

The reason why Trevor glared at the director was that the words the director uttered about admiring a beautiful woman at work sounded very obscene to him.

Reaching out his hand, he shook the slender hand that Emma automatically offered and abruptly spoke to her slowly.

“I heard that the screenwriter’s pen name is Winter.

Your hand is cold indeed.

Don't you think you're dressed a little too lightly?"| Emma thought that he was completely out ofhis mind.

Why is he criticizing my clothes? Does it have anything to do with him? Retracting her hand, she smiled andanswered, "You're good at making jokes, Mr.


“The director interjected again from the side.

“You don’t understand, Mr.


All the young women are dressed like this nowadays.

Check out her slender waist." While speaking, he actually tried to reach out his hand to touch her waist.

Her expression changed drastically and she instinctively took a step back.

Although she had never formally set foot in the workplace, she had heard and seen many things related to workplace sexual harassment.

Susanna had also complained to her about many rubbish men including directors, assistant directors, and some male actors whowould take any opportunity to take advantage of the female actresses.

Be that as it may, Emma never imagined that an insignificant screenwriter like herself would encounter something like this today.

She was a little confused, but she mostly felt angry.

It was fortunate that she had avoided him fast enough.

Otherwise, she would have been disgusted to death if he had touched her waist.

Even so, what was the point of being disgusted or enraged? She would still need to remain at this party.

More importantly, Joseph's hand had not touched her, so it would be inappropriate even if she wanted to retaliate.

A slightly embarrassed expression appeared on his face when he saw her side stepping his advances.

Before he could say anything, he felt a murderous gaze shooting straight at him from above his head.

He abruptly raised his eyes and came face-to-face with Trevor's grim expression which frightened him so badly that hequickly chuckled in nervousness.

Wesley broke up the tense atmosphere at just the right timing.

"Since we're all here, let's get seated." Needless to say, he was just as angry anddisgusted by Joseph's behavior.


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