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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Emma sorted out the manuscript she wrote last night as quickly as possible and sent her finished work to Wesley.

The burst of inspiration she had last night had been one where the male protagonist, the king, was finally with his cherished lover in the end. Moreover, he ruthlessly abandoned the official queen consort who had stayed by his side throughout all the ups and downs in their life. Fortunately, the queen consort did not falter and wholeheartedly went on to pursue a career in business instead.

After many years, the queen consort became a rich silk merchant. She was so rich that half of the taxes paid to the national treasury came from her and the businesses under her name. Not to mention, she had all sorts of men by her side, including a young and talented assistant, a master in the martial arts, a nouveau riche from a prominent family… In short, life was as wonderful as could be.

When Wesley finished reading the manuscript, he quickly called Emma. “This plot is also excellent. Compared to the previous version where the king and the queen consort were naturally together as a couple, ibis ending provides a gul-wrenching mood when the queen consort is kicked out of court followed by a refreshing feeling when she turns things around by becoming strong and independent toward the end.”

He praised her unreservedly. “This ending also highlights the independent side of women. It’s a great idea.”

Receiving such a high evaluation from him made Emma excited. Crystal will be satisfied with this plot, right? If she is satisfied, then Trevor will also be satisfied.

She responded, “If you think this version is suitable, then I’ll send it to Cerys.”

He meaningfully said, “It would be even better if you added a mature and stable wealthy businessman among the men around the queen consort who can teach her about doing business.”

Like how I am guiding her to overcome the obstacles along the road to success in screenwriting

Emma never realized that Wesley had such beguiling thoughts about her. She had always regarded him as a respected senior and a benefactor, which was why she did not think too deeply when she heard his suggestion. After some serious consideration, she noted, “Okay, I can do that. I’ll add it in later.”

He could only respond somewhat helplessly. “Okay.”

To be honest, he did not know when he began having such feelings for her. He acknowledged that he initially admired her for her talents and was charmed by her

appearance afterward. And now, he was enchanted by her temperament and character.

Having experienced so many ups and downs in the entertainment industry throughout the years, he had seen countless women, especially beautiful women. Therefore, he knew just how precious Emma was.

It might be that her heart and mind had always been filled with Trevor, so he had suppressed his own feelings for her.

After returning from training abroad, she was like a person who had been reborn. Her beautiful eyes sparkled with light and he couldn’t help being attracted by the light. It was a pity that she seemed to have wholeheartedly focused on her career now and closed off her emotional aspect. He had no choice but to slowly get her to open up again.

After leaving Emma’s place last night, Trevor suddenly began to suffer from gastric problems and he was certain that the biggest cause was his anger toward Emma.

It just so happened that Kaleb was on duty at the hospital, so he drove straight to the hospital.

Kaleb asked a doctor from the relevant department to perform an examination on Trevor. After that, he detained and hospitalized Trevor for recuperation.

When Cerys knocked and entered Trevor’s hospital room with the documents she brought with her, she saw ‘Trevor talking on the phone whilo half-leaning against the bed in a striped hospital gown. There was an IV drip connected to one of his hands and his laptop was on his lap. He looked as busy as ever.

After he finished his call, she handed the documents to him and reported, “Emma has finished modifying the script as per your request.” !

A deep sense of astonishment welled up in his eyes. “It’s done?”


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