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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Emma met Trevor’s compelling gaze and countered with another question. “Weren’t you also the unwilling party? Why did you marry me?”

Trevor’s expression stiffened slightly, but he immediately responded, “Grandpa forced me to.”

She lowered her eyes and replied lightly, “The same goes for me. My father and my brother forced me to.”

He did not know the reason why, but listening to her answer left a bad taste in his heart. Looking down, he stared at her lowered cyes and her demure but beautiful face. Then, he subconsciously blurted out a question. “Then, when you claimed to love me, were those lics?”

She laughed when she heard those words because he probably never realized that they were from the same college.

Trevor was a famous senior, a renowned alumni, and a successful businessman. Hence, he was invited to attend and give a speech at the school celebration one fine year. It was easy for a handsome man with an clegant temperament that stood out from the crowd to attract the attention of the girls and make them fall in love with him.

Emma had been one of those girls. She sat below the stage and looked up at the dazzling man with admiration in her eyes.

There was a part during the school celebration where he presented the awards to the outstanding students. She had always been an excellent student, so she was one of the students who went up the stage to receive an award.

When he was presenting the award to her, his fingertips accidentally brushed against her hand. At the time, her heart was pounding like crazy and her adrniration turned into love in an instant. Regardless of how much she liked him, she knew that he was way out of her league. That was why she buried her feelings at the bottom of her heart.

Just as she was about to graduate from college, she was set up by her father and brother. It was not until much later that she discovered the man turned out to be

Trevor. He was the person she yearned for, loved, and wanted to marry even in her dreams. Therefore, she did not object when her father and brother went to the Bateson Residence to demand that Trevor take her as his wife.

To be honest, she could have escaped if she did not wish to marry. Susanna had already prepared an escape route for her. It was just that the other party was Trevor, so Emma chose to stay and marry him.

She believed that they would fall in love with each other after spending a long time together.

She also believed that he would one day understand her feelings if she used her sincerity to warm his heart.

Unfortunately, the ending did not go as she wished.

Bringing up the past no longer caused Emma’s heart to ripple in pain. They had already gotten a divorce, so was the point of telling him about her silly crush? For that reason, she looked up at him when she finally stopped laughing and enunciated each word clearly. “That’s right. They were all lies. You never loved me. The truth is I never loved you either. What I loved was the wealth and power that belonged to you and the Bateson Family.”

As soon as the words left her mouth, Trevor’s hand immediately reached out to grasp her lower jaw. Flames of anger were practically spitting out from the depths of his eyes. “Are you finally admitting your hypocrisy? Are you finally admitting that you were greedy for wealth?”

Her lower jaw hurt from his rough grip. It hurt so much that tears instantly sprang into her eyes from the pain.

When he saw her eyes that were reddened with tears, his heart softened inexplicably and his hand relaxed his grip on her lower jaw.

Contrary to his expectations, the words that came out of her mouth were extremely aggravating despite the tears in her eyes. “Mr. Bateson, you’ve already divorced me and severed our ties. It doesn’t matter if I admit anything now.”

The urge to strangle Emma surged up in his heart. Pretentious woman! D*mn liar!


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