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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Trevor certainly felt that Emma had loved him. After his anger subsided last night, he immediately realized that she was lying! It was just like what Zachary had said earlier. He could feel her love for him during those few years.

Zachary withdrew his long legs and walked to the table. Picking up the spoon, he tried a mouthful of the porridge that Crystal brought.

“Horrible!” He pulled out a tissue and spat out the mouthful of porridge. After that, he critiqued the food unreservedly. “Superstar Crystal’s cooking skills are a far cry from Emma’s.”

He had eaten the food cooked by Emma before. During the years that Trevor and Emma were married, they would occasionally gather at Trevor’s house for a party. Emma had always cooked for them herself and Zachary had always felt that her cooking skills were good enough for her to be a food blogger.

No wonder Trevor didn’t even bother eating a single mouthful of the porridge. He probably suffered greauy from her poison previously.

He crossed his leg over his knce and leaned back. Then, he asked Trevor, “Say, what were you thinking? In an attempt to chase Crystal away due to your desire in not wanting to spend time with her alone, you dragged me here so early in the morning to pretend to have a work discussion?”

Early this morning, he had been sound asleep when he received a phone call from Trevor. Trevor had mentioned over the phone that Crystal was going to come and visit him later, so he asked Zachary to rush over to pretend to discuss work with him.

A trace of impatience flashed through Trevor’s eyes. “I get annoyed no matter who I meet right now.”

Zachary clicked his tongue. “Look at your attitude. What’s going to happen when you marry Crystal in the future?”

Trevor frowned. “Who said I’m going to marry her?”

Zachary spread his hands wide. “The whole of Jonestown knows that you’re about to

get married. Don’t tell me you didn’t know about it since Crystal announced the news to the whole world.”

Of course, Trevor knew about it. It was just that he never said a word about his relationship with Crystal before.

Zachary continued, “If you’re not planning to marry her, then why didn’t you come clean and draw a distinct boundary with her?” ||

Trevor snapped angrily, “Do you think that it’s easy to draw a distinct boundary with her?”

Zachary smiled and sighed. “That’s true. If President Sanders were to learn that you dumped his precious daughter, he will surely be extremely furious.”

Crystal came from a very prominent family. Her father, Thomas Sanders, was the president of a well-known foreign bank, so he had many close business relationships with major companies.

This was the reason why Alice was biased toward Crystal and looked down on Emma. The Bateson Family would look good in all aspects with Crystal’s family background.

On the other hand, Emina had nothing.

Her father and her brother ran a small construction company. Moreover, they had been in jeopardy over the past few years due to their frivolous attitudes at work. After Emma married into the Bateson Family, the Bateson Family had been forced to support both her father and her brother.

Leaving aside the variety of methods they used to ask for money, they also constantly threw about the Bateson Family’s name in public. There were no words to describe how uncomfortable Alice felt about them. That was why she never treated Emma nicely during the three years of marriage between Emma and Trevor.

Trevor turned to look out the window and spoke with a deep look in his eyes, “I originally thought that it would be fine to marry Crystal. She is excellent in all aspects, and my family is satisfied with her”

Zachary asked, “Then, why is it not okay anymore?” As he was unable to hold back, he teasingly added, “Did you realize that you can’t live without your ex-wife after you divorced her?”

Once again, Trevor snapped angrily, “Who the f*ck can’t live without her?”

Zachary quickly apologized, “Alright, alright. I was wrong. You can live without her. In fact, you’re living an even better life than before. So, why don’t you want to marry Crystal anymore?”


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