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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Emma looked at Susanna and nodded seriously. “I believe in your acting skills.”

Susanna herself did not believe those words. She was born with a face that practically invited trouble and calmness, silence, and sincerity had nothing to do with her.

Emma noticed Susanna’s hesitation and gently added, “Suzie, I know that there is a gentle and demure girl inside your heart.”

The relationship between Emma and Susanna was formed in high school, so Emma knew Susanna’s good points better than anybody else.

When she heard what Emma said, Susanna nearly burst into tears. The truth was that she was pure and reserved at heart. Although she worked in the vibrant and glamorous entertainment circle as well as always living on the cusp of life, she had always yearned for a peaceful and quict life.

Her wish was to live a calm and serene life with the man she loved while enjoying the happiness of a comfortable day-to-day life!

However, Susanna was born with such facial features. Everybody assumed that she was a flirtatious and immodest person to the point where some people even had the impression that she was an indecent person at first sight.

Over time, even she herself believed that she was that kind of person.

Therefore, Emma’s remarks today had touched the soft spot hidden in the deepest depths of her heart. She hugged Emma with reddened eyes. “If I can obtain this role, I will definitely play it well.”

I will definitely live up to Emma’s expectations. I will also show the world another side of myself.

Cerys presided over the meeting in which everybody discussed the topic with deep enthusiasm. In the end, they decided to proceed with Emma’s latest revised version of the script.

At the end of the meeting, they video called Trevor since he was the actual boss behind the project after all. All the money for the investment would be provided by


When the call connected, the image of a man sitting on a hospital bed in a blue-and white striped hospital gown appeared on the big screen of the conference room. It might be due to his illness, but the sharp aura around him had weakened considerably compared to when he was dressed in a suit and leather shoes.


Emma silently lowered her eyes. That’s what you get for not cherishing your body. Serves you right for being hospitalized.

Trevor gave a simple speech, then he suddenly called Emma by name. “Emma.”

Since she was being called by name so directly, she had no choice but to look up at the man on the screen with a polite and reserved smile on her face. “Mr. Bateman.”

His profound and deep gaze landed on his face. “Both versions were brilliant. You’ve done an amazing job.”

She was taken aback for a moment. It was difficult for her to imagine that he would praise her so generously, not to mention in front of so many people.

“Thank you,” she thanked him in a low voice and lowered her eyes again.

In the past, she used to be nothing to him.

In the three years of their marriage, she had never heard him make a single nice comment about her in any aspect. It was as though the only value of her existence was in bed.

Then, he continued, “You can try to use the previous version for another script and I believe it will be equally as exciting.”

As soon as his words came out, one of the assistant directors laughed and joked, “Wow! Mr. Bateson, are you already asking our screenwriter for the next script?”

Emma stared at Trevor in amazement only to see him returning the stare with a calm expression. “Of course, I would wish to do that if possible.”


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