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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Cerys, who had always maintained her composure, was so shocked by Susanna‘s revelation that Wesley was interested in Emma that she forgot to eat.

After she came back to her senses, the first thing she did was to report her latest discovery to Trevor. However, she noticed that Emma was calm and did not take Susanna‘s words to heart at all.

Even Emma made fun of Susanna and told her, “Don‘t listen to her nonsense; she likes to play matchmaker.”

Emma did not believe Wesley was interested in her; how could a man like Wesley, an idol-like goddess, fall in love with her, an ordinary scriptwriter?

Plus, she was traumatized after Trevor hurt her, making her subconsciously avoid charismatic men who were similar to Trevor.

Susanna did not like Emma‘s cowardly behavior. “Emma, you need to get over your fears. Not all charming men are players like Trevor.”

Cerys was speechless upon hearing that.

Is it even appropriate for them to insult my boss right in front of me?

“Am I right, Cherry?” As Susanna spoke to Emma, she asked for Cerys‘ opinion.

Cerys‘ heart started to beat wildly when she heard Susanna call her Cherry. An attractive yet rebellious face of a man appeared in her mind.

Lowering her gaze, she murmured, “It‘s kinda true that most handsome men are players.”

That man was a player too, but that did not stop Cerys from liking him because she could not control her feelings for him.

She wanted to be rational and stop liking him, but she could not control what her heart desired.

While Cerys was immersed in her thoughts, the doorbell rang.

Susanna went to get the door. It was Wesley. He came into her house with a bottle of red wine in his hand.

Both Emma and Cerys were surprised by his sudden appearance, but Susanna seemed to be just fine.


Wesley smiled and stated, “I just got off from work and saw Cerys‘ car parked on Susanna‘s porch. I figured that you girls are having dinner, so I bought a boltle of wine for all of you.”

Emma and Cerys got up from their seats quickly to thank him. It did not appear to them that Wesley came with the intention to stay for dinner, but out of courtesy, they had to invite him to stay as he gifted them a bottle of wine. Hence, Wesley could only take his seat as it was difficult for him to turn down their generous offer. Susanna had arranged for him to be seated close to Emma.

Cerys soon reported this somewhat ambiguous scene to Trevor by heading to the restroom.

After she reported this, she sent a text that read, ‘Mr. Bateson, I‘m going to focus on my meal now. It‘s not nice to be on my phone all the time!

Hence, Trevor stopped receiving texts from Cerys.

The mood of the four–person dinner was quite pleasant with three girls and a handsome gentleman.

Cerys did not talk much. She had been observing the table quietly and found that Wesley indeed cared about Emma.

He‘d peel shrimp for Emma, serve her soup, pour her wine, and even move her chair out of the way when she stood up.

It made Cerys think that Wesley would be a strong rival to Trevor, should the latter still have any lingering feelings for Emma.

Wesley‘s looks and temperament were on par with Trevor‘s, but the most important thing was that Wesley knew how to take good care of Emma.

When Trevor and Emma were still married back then, Emma had always been the one to take care of Trevor, while Trevor never took the initiative to do the same for her.

From a woman‘s perspective, Cerys felt that it was more likely for Emma to choose Wesley

Cerys was worried throughout the entire dinner because she was worried about her


Toward the end of the dinner, Emma glanced at her phone.

She received a text from an unknown number on WhatsApp. Emma frowned after reading the text because it read, ‘Hi. It‘s Trevor


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