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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 As soon as the meeting ended, Joseph went to a quiet place to call Crystal.

Once Crystal answered the call, Joseph said happily, “Superstar Crystal, it seemed that your persuasion worked pretty well.”

Crystal was confused. “What do you mean:”

Joseph said, “We had another meeting earlier and the script was changed according to your suggestion. The king is going to end up with Artemis.”

She was unsatisfied with the initial storyline and wanted Trevor to modify the script. However, Trevor rejected her request, so she could only contact Joseph and ask him to find ways to suggest a plot change.

But then, the plot was changed in today‘s meeting before Joseph even took action. That was why he thought Crystal had persuaded Trevor to make the changes.

She was surprised and delighted on the other end of the call. “The king is going to end up with Artemis?”

In response to her question, Joseph replied, “Yeah. Isn‘t that what you wanted?”

Crystal raised her hand 10 cover her mouth from excitement. She was speechless for a moment due to her happiness.

She thought that Trevor did not care about her feelings at all. It turned out that he still fulfilled her request even though he rejected her verbally.

Crystal thought that Trevor changed the storyline because of her, but little did she know that Trevor only did it because of the grudges he held against Emma. He wanted to make things difficult for Emma, and the plot change was merely a coincidence.

Crystal calmed herself down before she asked again, “What‘s the ending for the queen consort after the change?”

Joseph described the queen consort‘s life after the king had divorced her. However, what he said angered Crystal. “What? Her life after the divorce is amazing?”

Every time she remembered that Emma was the scriptwriter of this drama, she could not help but imagine the two of them as the characters in the script. “Why didn‘t she die a miserable death? Why didn‘t she die pathetically because she lost everything after the divorce?”

The king‘s first love had a miserable death in the initial storyline. How did the queen consort have an exciting life instead of having the same ending as the life of the king‘s first love?Emma thinks too highly of herself!

Crystal could not accept the change, and her voice trembled with anger when she


Joseph did not dare to offend her, so he could only try to rectify the situation and said, “This... is a positive message that shows women can be independent and strong by themselves too, don‘t you think?”

Disapprovingly, she replied, “Can‘t this be changed? Why does the queen consort still have so many scenes after the divorce? Can‘t she just die right away?”

Joseph said again, “Mr. Bateson, Wesley, and the others liked the new version of the storyline because of the queen consort‘s independence and exciting life after the divorce.”

He did not say that he liked this part of the plot either.

“I don‘t care!” She was going crazy. “You must change the ending! I want the queen consort to have a miserable dcath!”

That was a difficult request for Joseph. “About this,”

Crystal interrupted him, “It‘s either that or you kick Emma out from the team! Don‘t let her be in charge of this script. There are so many scriptwriters out there, and any of them would do better than Emma.”

If the storyline could not be changed, then Emma must leave the production team.

Due to the hatred Crystal harbored for Emma, she could not accept that the latter wrote every dialogue toward the second half of the drama.

Emma was determined not to want anything material from the divorce back then. Everything seemed to be going well, making Crystal feel like Emma was not satisfied with that and that Emma was trying to humiliate her through the script.

Joseph sighed and said, “Emma has the support of Wesley. I don‘t think he will approve my request to kick her out even if I bring the matter up.”

Crystal sneered when she heard that. “Why do you need his approval? Why can‘t you force Emma to leave the team by herself?“|


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