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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61

“Old Mr. Christopher told me to keep it a secret, but I‘ll tell you anyway. If you‘re really not interested in her, then her blind date will go well. However, if you interfere, it means you‘re not over her,” Zachary said bluntly.

Trevor was disgusted by his words. “How did you arrive at this sort of absurd conclusion?”

“Is it really absurd?” Zachary turned his palms up and continued, “It‘s not absurd at all. Take me, for example, I don‘t have any feelings towards Emma, so I can sincerely wish her well for her blind date tomorrow.‘

“Can you do the same?” He questioned.

Trevor let out a cold snort when he heard Zachary‘s sharp inquiry. “Of course I can.”

Finally, Zachary gave him a thumbs up before raising his glass to Trevor.

Trevor was truly a man!

A man that was as stubborn as a mule.

The next morning, Emma received a call from Christopher as soon as she woke up.

The old man repeatedly told her on the phone that she must attend the date this afternoon.

She didn‘t have the heart to brush off his kindness, so she had to bite the bullet and agree to his arrangements.

Once there, she would take the initiative to let the other party know that she wasn‘t interested in a relationship.

At 10:00AM, Susanna brought her go–to makeup artist to Emma‘s door. Emma, who was immersed in writing her script, looked like a slob once she gathered her wits to open the door.

Immediately, Susanna pressed her down onto the chair before the dresser and exclaimed, “Emma, don‘t you have a blind date to go to this afternoon? It‘s already time! Why aren‘t you getting ready?”

Emma massaged her sore neck and replied, “Why all the fuss: I plan on cleaning up a little and just go.”

When it came to light makeup, she could still do it herself.

When Susanna heard this, she held her forchead speechlessly. Then, she called her makeup artist to work their magic on Emma‘s makeup and hair.

This made Emma feel rather flustered. “Why did you have to get so many people involved?”

Yesterday, Susanna told her that she would dress her up as the gorgeous woman she was, and Emma took it as a joke. Unexpectedly, she really showed up with her makeup artist.

Susanna leaned lazily on the couch and answered, “How is this a lot of people? We usually take one to two hours to style before our events to get ready. So, this is nothing in comparison.”

Emma could only sigh at her response. “It truly isn’t casy being a female celebrity.”

Nevertheless, as she laid her eyes on the mirror at the woman who appeared more beautiful with each stroke of a brush by the makeup artist, she couldn‘t help but take a quick stroll down memory lane.

She had only dressed up twice over the years.

The first time was when she got her marriage license with Trevor.

That day, with the help of Susanna, Emma carefully picked out a beautiful dress and had nice makeup on.

Susanna, who wasn‘t much for books, even managed to recite a verse from Shakespeare to describe Emma, “o, how much more doth beauty beauteous seem.”

This amused Emma so much that she giggled in response. Susanna told her that she looked pretty when she smiled and that she must smile more after marrying Trevor so he would be utterly charmed by her.

It was a pity that he took no notice of her extravagant look that day,

He had an indifferent face the whole time. Yet, he left without hesitation once they had all the formalities settled and got their marriage certificate.

As she stared at the picture of the clearly unhappy face of her newly wedded husband in contrast with her joyful smile, she felt like her heart was cut by a knife.

The second time she dressed up was on Bateson Group‘s anniversary last year.

It was so she could bring up a divorce with Trevor and allow herself to leave with



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