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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62

“No! You don‘t!” Emma raised her hand and pushed away Susanna‘s beautiful face.

That face of hers had driven many men wild.

Despite being pushed away, she giggled before she moved on to complain about Trevor with disgust, “I really want to suggest him to an ophthalmologist. He let a woman like you––who is beautiful inside and out—leave him. Yet, he falls for girls like Crystal, whose hearts are as black as coal.”

However, Emma was calm when she answered, “Everyone has their own preferences regarding their other half. We can‘t force these kinds of things.”

Susanna sighed upon hearing her words. “You‘re too nice. They don‘t deserve it.”

“After what I’ve been through, it‘s better to be positive rather than waltow–in my misery.”

Once bitten, twice shy; who would ever want to get involved in a one–sided love again? Not her, that‘s for sure.

Susanna held her cheek with one hand and muttered sadly, “But why do I still miss him after what I‘ve been through?”

Emma quickly comforted her, “Your situation is different from mine. You two truly loved each other, but you were forced to separate in the face of reality. You broke up with him for the betterment of his future.”

“As for Trevor and I, it has always been a one–sided love. That‘s why I don‘t think about it now because I know that there is no use missing it.”

“Unlike me, you still have a chance to rekindle your past relationship.”

When Susanna heard Emma say that she still had a chance, she was delighted.

Then, Emma took out her phone and called Christopher apologetically, telling him that she had an impromplu meeting to attend and that she couldn‘t make it for the blind date.

Although he sounded slightly resigned, he knew that all she could think about at this moment was work. Hence, he had no choice but to cave and reschedule.

When Emma and Susanna arrived at Alpha Productions, they met two people in the lobby; a screenwriter for Alpha Productions and her assistant.

The pen name of the female screenwriter was Zola Beckman. She was a few years,

older than Emma.

Rumor had it that she was a famous online writer a few years ago as she caught up with the golden age of TV shows; she sold a few of her scripts for copyright.

Wesley was the main character of one of her traditional scripts, and it was from that TV show that his popularity rose again.

After that show, he also established Alpha Productions and began to work behind the scenes. At that time, Zola was recruited by him to be the screenwriter of the company. Hence, she could be regarded as an executive of Alpha Productions.

Nevertheless, in recent years, none of her TV shows made it to the charts.

Of the few plays she had sold her copyrights to, only the traditional show Wesley starred in was a big hit, whereas the rest of her plays were practically unheard of.

There were also rumors saying that Zola wanted Eleanor to be her mentor, but Eleanor refused Zola after reading her draft.

Eleanor was a big name in the screenwriting industry; not only did she have the qualifications but the capabilities to back up her fame. Her comments towards Zola‘s script were that it was gaudy and incomprehensible.

Suffice to say, Eleanor‘s comments were very much unwelcome and a big slap across the face for Zola, and it definitely pissed her off.

When Emma joined Alpha Productions, she only saw Zola a few times as she was only a mere part–uimer. From the few interactions, she could feel thai Zola wasn‘t very welcoming toward her, but she did not take it to heart.

Now that they bumped into each other again, Emma greeted her politely, “Hello, Miss Beckman.”

Emma was 26 years old, while Zola looked around 35 or 36. Although the age gap between them wasn‘t large, Emma still addressed her as ‘Miss Beckman‘ out of courtesy.

Nevertheless, Zola merely nodded faintly in greeting.

Finally, as the four parted ways, Emma and Susanna overheard Zola‘s assistant speak disdainfully about them to Zola, “Some people don‘t rely on their talents to land a project. Instead, they depend on their sex appeal. This is really giving the screenwriting sector a bad name.”

This was a clear satire on Emma–hearing this riled Susanna up so much that she wanted to confront Zola‘s assistant.

Yet, Emma stopped her and shook her head.

Zola–be it in the field of online literature or screenwriting–did not have a good reputation. She enjoyed insulting the writers whenever she was given a chance.


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