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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 64

Chapter 64

The following agenda of the meeting was to discuss the two female candidates for the role of the king‘s first love. W

Susanna, who had been enjoying the underlying rivalry between Trevor and Wesley. finally spoke up.

She turned to look at Trevor and said, “Oh, what a pity that Crystal is almost out of the picture. Otherwise, she would‘ve been the best candidate for that role.”

Susanna‘s words were provoking, and several people who knew about what Crystal had done to Emma understood what Susanna was talking about.

Others who were at the meeting echoed her words, “That‘s right. With Ms. Sanders‘ temperament and charm of being natural and poised, she would fit the role perfectly as someone the king‘s heart would yearn for.”

They were all singing praises for Crystal. After all, everyone knew that she would marry into the Bateson Family.

However, this compliment sounded highly mocking in the ears of people who knew the backstory, especially Trevor, who found this praise to be ear–piercing.

Then, he turned to look at Emma again and said, “Let‘s get your opinion on whether Crystal is a suitable candidate.”

Trevor must have lost his mind. How can he ask me to comment on Crystal?Is he doing this on purpose? Is he deliberately trying to use Crystals affairs to discourage her?

With thoughts running in her head, she still smiled politely. “I don‘t know Ms. Sanders at all. She is your bedmate. You should know her better.”

Initially, she thought that by saying that, Trevor would stop and back off.

Unexpectedly, he looked at her and slowly said, “That‘s not necessarily true. I didn‘t know much about my ex–bedmate before this.”

Although everyone was aware that he had been married before, no one knew that the person he was married to was Emma.

This caught her off guard as she did not expect him to mention their marriage in public like that. But, even if no one knew about it, she still suddenly felt a rush of nerves.

Moreover, Trevor‘s words were sarcastic, and this made her extremely annoyed and anxious at the same time.

As anger pumped through her veins, she met his gaze and smiled lightly. “If you paid attention, there is no way you wouldn‘t know her after three years of marriage.”

“Mr. Bateson must have someone in mind to dismiss the woman next to him.”

Emma did not want to be outdone, so she took a jab at Trevor for being unfaithful to his marriage.

Right then, Wesley stepped in and broke the deadlock between the two. “Okay, enough. Aren‘t we discussing our potential candidates? Why are we talking about Mr. Bateson‘s bedmate?”

“Let’s forget about Crystal. After all, she will be happily married to Mr. Bateson. Soon, she will be pregnant and have a child. Therefore, she won‘t be suitable to act in our show. Tv

The words ‘pregnant‘ and ‘child‘ somewhat stung Emma.

She could never forget what Trevor said to her aloofly. He said that she was not worthy of having his child.

Although it had been a year since that incident, those hurtful words still pulled at her heartstrings when she thought about it.

So, she pursed her lips and lowered her gaze without saying a word; her fingers turned white as she clenched the pen in her hand tightly and tried to ignore the pang in her heart.

When Trevor noticed the change in Emma‘s emotions, he couldn‘t help but think of what he had done to her back then, and an indescribable feeling flooded his heart.

The meeting continued for another half an hour, and he remained silent the whole time.

After the meeting, he and Cerys immediately got up and left. As Wesley, Emma, and Susanna walked out, he extended an invite, “Let‘s go grab lunch together later.”

Before Emma could reply, Susanna answered, “I can‘t make it. I have other things to do. You two can go ahead.

Then, she patted Emma on the shoulder and said, “You‘re dressed so beautifully today. It‘s a pity if you‘re not going to eat with such a handsome guy.”

After Susana said those words, she instantly left. She was obviously trying to set them up to eat together.

Wesley glanced at Trevor before turning to Emma and saying, “Let‘s just have a simple lunch as colleagues in the restaurant downstairs. I just happen to have

something that I need to ask you about the script.”


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