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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Emma ignored the change in Trevor‘s face as she had no intention of staying too long, so after greeting him, she said, “I‘ll get going first.”

She acted like he and Cerys were both just other colleagues of hers.

After Emma left, Susanna stared at Trevor and said, “Mr. Bateson, didn‘t you hand this project over to Cerys? Why do you keep showing up here time after time?”

However, Cerys stepped in and replied on his behalf, “There has been a change in director, and it is a serious matter. Thus, Mr. Bateson specially came to preside over the meeting.”

Susanna let out a cold snort upon hearing those words. “I‘m just afraid that some people have ulterior motives. Sometimes an ill–fated relationship is just not meant to be.”

Then, she walked away considently, her high heels clacking behind her. As she expected, what she said had indeed made an impact on Trevor as he huffed in anger.

He still remembered the first time they met was when Emma had just returned from abroad at Alpha Productions. Back then, he told her that he and Emma were fated to be together. He did not expect that those words would come back and bite him now.

With Susanna‘s spiteful personality, he had no idea how she and Emma, who was benevolent and forgiving, became best friends.

When Emma entered the conference room, Wesley was already inside, looking through the documents,

As a former actor, it is needless to say that he was a handsome man and looked good from all angles.

In addition, it may be because of his previous career as an actor; his temperament was more elegant than Trevor‘s.

After all, he was born into the business world. He had been exposed to the industry since he was a child. Therefore, he exuded a daunting, ruthless aura that kept people away from him.

Right now, Emma felt that suave men like Wesley were pleasing to the cyes. She had no idea what was wrong with her back then, for her to fall for an unapproachable man like Trevor

To comfort herself, she thought, Who hadn‘t been blinded by love when they were young?

Nevertheless, it wasn‘t too late to change now.

When Wesley saw her come in, he was slightly startled by how she looked before he praised her sincerely, “You look lovely today.”

“Thank you.” His compliment made her feel a little ‘embarrassed. After she sat down next to him, she inquired, “President Zurich, why did you suddenly decide to direct this show?”

A smile appeared on his face when he heard this. “Instead of having someone else direct and cause troubles like this which delays the progress, it‘s a better option for me just to fight the battle myself”

“But it is hard to be a director. Wouldn’t you be even busier?” Emma felt a little guilty.

If it weren‘t for her, he would only have to oversee the project instead of directly being involved. He wouldn‘t have to take over the busy and tiring job of a director.

Wesley naturally knew what she was thinking and said gently, “It‘s okay. I‘ve always wanted to dip my toes into directing anyway.”

In any case, his business partner would be returning soon. By then, he could hand the company‘s affairs to his partner.

Regardless, Emma still apologized in a low voice, “I‘m sorry, President Zurich. This is all my fault...”

“It has nothing to do with you. So, don‘t overthink this,” he comforted her gently.

When Trevor entered the conference room, he caught sight of Wesley with his gaze lowered as he gently comforted Emma.

Then, Trevor shot Wesley a glare; Joseph and his men weren‘t good people, but Wesley wasn‘t any better.

Immediately, Trevor regretted that he had agreed for Wesley to be the new director. Wouldn‘t this mean that Trevor gave Wesley a front–row seat to get to Emma?

When the meeting started, Trevor sat in the main chair. When he looked up, he ! noticed Emma‘s slender, fair neck and pearl–like small earlobes.

This made his throat dry as he quickly took and drank a few mouthfuls of the mineral water in front of him.

Suddenly, the phone on his desk vibrated, and he glanced at it. It was a message from Zachary.

It was nothing but a text with three dog emojis.

This was his way of teasing Trevor for ruining Emma‘s blind date.


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