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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69

At the hospital, the doctors ran a series of tests on Emma.

In the end, they concluded that she was in relatively good health but had signs of over–exhaustion.

She was hypoglycemic and her blood sugar levels were extremely low right now as she hadn‘t had anything to eat or drink. These factors all combined to induce her fainting spell.

Trevor frowned as he checked with the doctor, “What‘s hypoglycemia? Is it serious?”

A while ago, he found out about her allergy to red meats, and now he found out about her hypoglycemia too. He never knew that she had so many conditions he was unaware of.

In the past, she had taken great care to accommodate his poor digestion, and he had taken it for granted without realizing that she needed to be cared for too.

“It‘s not that serious. All the patient has to do is stick to a proper eating schedule and take all three meals every day. Her condition now is a sign that she hasn‘t been cating properly,” the doctor responded reassuringly after noticing how tense Trevor was.

The doctor left after reporting on Emma‘s condition, and Cerys spoke up. “Mr. Bateson, why don‘t you stay with Emma until she wakes up? I‘ll go and buy some food for her.”

Trevor nodded, and Cerys closed the door gently behind her when she left.

A few moments later, Emma stirred awake.

The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was Trevor, who was sitting beside her hospital bed.

The image of Trevor holding her by the waist just before she lost consciousness flashed across her mind and she instinctively closed her eyes again.

Why is he still here?

Emma was not keen on facing him right now.

Even if he took her to the hospital because she fainted, he should have left by now since she was fine, right?

Trevor huffed when he noticed Emma‘s eyes opening and closing.

He used to think that she was stiff and boring, but it turned out that she had a cheeky side.

“I know you‘re awake. Stop pretending you‘re not” Trevor said airily as he stared at her lovely face.

Emma was speechless.

She began to wonder how she ever put up with this attitude of his.

Doesn‘t he know how to speak nicely? How on earth did I survive three years of marriage with him without exploding in rage?

Still, since she had been caught, Emma opened her eyes, albeit reluctantly.

“Thank you for taking me to the hospital, Mr. Bateson,” she thanked him in an extremely polite tone.

Her gratitude and distant, courteous manner only served to leave Trevor in a terrible mood.

He narrowed his eyes in displeasure as he glared at her. To avoid his gaze, Emma glanced away and tried to sit up.

Trevor wanted to move forward and help, but Emma noticed his movements and swiftly sat up by herself.

After awkwardly retracting his hand, Trevor decided to stand, but what he did not know was that by standing up, his presence was all the more pressuring for Emma.

This was especially so when he began to lecture her, “The doctor said you have signs of over–exhaustion, but if I recall correctly, we have not demanded that you complete the screenplay as soon as possible.” |

Trevor was furious that she risked her health for this when he, as the investor in this project, had not requested that the project or screenplay be completed on such short notice.

Why did she pull an all–nighter?

Emma remained silent.

After all, she could not say that she worked herself half to death so that she could get this project done and over with, so that she could distance herself from him for good, right?

“Also, the doctor said you‘re hypoglycemic and you haven‘t been eating properly.”

Trevor found this hard to believe when he recalled the good life she had in the past.

“Emma, didn‘t you used to be full of vigor and enthusiasm for life? Why are you skipping out on your meals now?”

Emma continued to stay silent. She did not want to waste her breath with him.

His rebukes were stirring up all the negative emotions that she had locked away.


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