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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70

“Why don’t you stay with me for a few days? You can just avoid them for now and see how things go,” Cerys offered.

“Thank you, Cerys, but it won’t be necessary,” Emma rejected without giving it a second thought.

Emma felt grateful for Cerys’ help, but she was one of Trevor’s most trusted subordinates, and Emma did not want to have anything to do with Trevor.

Furthermore, she knew very well that avoidance was not going to solve anything.

Now that Simon and Steven had confirmed that she was back, they would not stop coming after her.

Trevor threw Emma a look of displeasure when he heard her declining Cerys’ offer.

Emma looked away and continued eating.

However, Cerys was still concerned. “What are you going to do then? You can’t just let them continue pestering you.”

“Are you thinking about heading over to Susanna’s place?” Cerys seemed to have read Emma’s mind. “The last time we ate together, didn’t Susanna mention that she would be filming out of town right now?”

Oh, right.

Emma had forgotten about this until Cerys brought it up.

Susanna had sent Emma a text before heading off for filming, and Emma had even responded with a long paragraph reminding Susanna to take care of herself, but this slipped her mind as she was completely caught up with her writing.

Since Susanna was not around, Emma could not room with her.

Seeing that Emma had fallen silent, Trevor commanded, “Go pack up your things later and bring Cerys with you. Stay with her for the next few days.” His words left no room for objection.

Emma tried to say something, but he cut her off with a grave expression. “You don’t need to reject Cerys just because you don’t want me around. She truly values you as a friend.”

Trevor walked off as soon as he said that.

Cerys was a quiet and reserved person. It was unlikely of her to ever invite someone to stay at her house, even temporarily.

The fact that she extended such an invitation to Emma proved that she truly liked Emma as a person.

In the past, Emma had often cominented to Trevor that Cerys was a good person. She would often invite Cerys and Cyrus out for a meal, so it seemed pretty obvious that she valued her friendship with Gerys too.

Trevor knew beyond any reasonable doubt that he was the only reason why she rejected Cerys’ offer.

He never thought there would come a time when someone would avoid him like the plague.

Once Trevor left, Emma glanced at Cerys and said sheepishly, “I know you meant well. I just—”

Cerys shook her head and cut her off, saying, “You don’t need to say anything more. I get it.”

Emma sighed and added lightly, “I’ll have to trouble you for a bit, then.”

“Not at all. You’re welcome anytime,” Cerys replied with a smile.

There was nothing seriously wrong with Emina, so a short while later, she was discharged from the hospital. Cerys followed her back to her apartment to pack up some things.

Meanwhile, Trevor was currently in Kaleb’s office. He stood by the window with his hands in his pockets, and he only withdrew his gaze when he saw Emma and Cerys leaving together

Kaleb came over and passed hini a cup of coffee. “What’s up with you? Why are you so concerned about your ex-wife?”

Trevor lowered his eyes. “Am I supposed to just stand back and watch as Simon harasses her?”

“It sounds a little harsh, but you could always just ignore it. You’re divorced. There’s no need to concern yourself with her matters anymore,” Kaleb replied.

Trevor fell silent.

Has Kaleb always been this uncaring? Has he forgotten how he used to feast on all of Emma‘s delicious food?

Kaleb continued, “Are you pretending, or do you really don’t get it? Emma’s predicament right now is thanks to you.”

“Do you think Crystal would’ve been able to cause trouble for Emma if you had just cut off all ties with her?” Trevor was irritated that Kaleb had a point, so he looked out the window once more.

Earlier, he received a call from Cyrus with the results of his investigation.

Someone had sent Simon a text informing him of Emma’s current place of residence.


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