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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Crystal threw a hissy fit in her living room before collapsing on the ground and howling her eyes out.

This was nothing like the elegant and poised side of her that she exhibited to the world.

Rosalina sat down beside her and began to weep. “Crystal, how can you say that you can‘t live without Trevor? If anything happens to you, I won‘t be able to continue living without you either!”

Thomas‘ head felt like it was about to implode thanks to all their sobbing. In the end, he could only take a step back. “Fine. Since you insist on marrying him, I‘ll think of a way to make it happen.”

Now that he gave his word, Crystal finally stopped throwing her tantrum–and Rosalina quickly wiped her tears away before helping her daughter up from the ground.

Crystal stumbled back to her room in a date and fell headlong onto the bed without saying anything. She made such a scene earlier because she could sense that Thomas was deeply enraged by Trevor.

Thomas meant it when he said he would not let her marry Trevor.

She was familiar with her father‘s personality. He would not go back on his word so easily once he made his decision.

Therefore, she decided to use her life as a bargaining chip to force him into giving in.

She was unwilling to give up on Trevor just like that. Rosalina was right; no other man in Jonestown could be compared to Trevor.

If it had not been for Trevor‘s unparalleled status, she wouldn‘t have given up on her boyfriend abroad and came back to get close to him.

Ever since she was a child, she knew what her goal was. It was fine to flirt and get into relationships in her youth, but after her 25th birthday, she began to plan for her marriage.

She wanted to marry a rich and powerful man. That had always been her dream,

Trevor fit the bill perfectly, and even more so, as not only did he have both power and wealth, he also had excellent looks, figure, and the air with which he carried himself.

Furthermore, she could not resign herself to losing to that forsaken divorcee, Emma.

Rosalina headed back downstairs and grouched to the still–fuming Thomas, “What are we going to do now?”

Thomas tossed his necktie onto the couch and retorted, “What are we going to do? What else can I do? If you didn‘t throw a fit alongside her, this might‘ve been settled by now!”

Rosalina‘s eyes reddened. “I was just worried that she might actually do something foolish! She‘s our only child, our precious daughter! What are we going to do if something happens to her?”

Thomas massaged his temples as he leaned against the couch. He had only given in because Crystal declared she did not want to live anymore if she could not marry Trevor

“I‘ll give Jared Bateson a call,” Thomas decided, his expression grim. “If he can‘t talk some sense into his son, then we‘ll expose Jared‘s dirty deeds to the world. When that happens, Bateson Group’s reputation will be forever tarnished. Let‘s see if Trevor can continue to be this arrogant then!”

Rosalina was all for Thomas‘ idea. The couple had zeroed in on their desire to let Crystal marry Trevor that they forgot to consider whether Crystal would truly have a happy marriage is Trevor was forced to marry her.

After all, Trevor and Emma‘s marriage all those years ago ended in divorce too.

The next day, at the Bateson Group‘s morning meeting, Trevor was seated at the head of the conference room. He had an imposing air that seemed to come naturally to him.

Cerys and Cyrus sat down on both sides of him while the brother–sister duo exuded the aura of cool–headed professionals.

One of the senior executives asked Trevor, “Mr. Bateson, 1 heard that that woman, Emma Yates, whose video went viral in the past few days, is the screenwriter for one of our investments, ‘The Love Story of Imperial Consort Rose‘?”

“Yes,” Trevor replied curtly.

“Is it wise for a mere screenwriter to be the subject of scrutiny like that?” the senior executive commented anxiously.

Trevor‘s expression remained neutral as he threw a glance at that senior executive. He could deduce what the man was about to say.


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