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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 98

Chapter 98

“Stomachache?” Trevor snorted.

What a lousy escuse.

Cerys tried to defend Emma. “Some women do get pretty bad cramps during those few days of the month. I don‘i think she‘s lying, Mr. Bateson.”

Emma‘s voice had sounded rather strained, and as a woman herself, Cerys was fully aware of how much discomfort Emma could be feeling.

While Emma‘s symptoms involved stomach cramps, she tended to get headaches instead.

She would get a killer headache within the first two days of her menstruation and would have to medicate herself through it.

Trevor frowned. Those few days of the month

Why did he not know about her symptoms?

In the three years that he was with Emma, he never heard of her feeling unwell, save for a few bouts of the flu.



Though, it had been established that he was unaware of a lot of things. Either way, he changed his mind. “Ask Wesley to come with me then.”

“Will do,” Cerys replied, but at the mention of Wesley, she thought of something. “Last night, during dinner, Emma mentioned that... Mr. Zurich confessed his feelings to her.”

“What did you say?” Trevor could not believe his ears. “He confessed?”

While he did notice that Wesley seemed to have a thing for Emma, he did not think that Wesley would jump straight to a confession.

Cerys nodded. “Emma said that it happened on the day when Steven and Simon caused a scene at Alpha Productions.”

“Is he after some kind of May–December romance? Shouldn‘t he be ashamed of himself for even thinking about it?” Trevor lambasted Wesley without holding back at all.

“Don‘t bother getting in touch with him. I‘ll go by myself,” he added derisively.

The very thought of Wesley now was enough to rile him up. He might even be

tempted to greet him with a punch, so it was best that they did not meet.

Cerys struggled to prevent her lips from curling as she said, “Yes, Mr. Bateson.”

She could tell why Trevor changed his mind and decided against going with Wesley. It was clear as day that he was incensed by Wesley‘s confession.

Although it was true that Emma felt rather uncomfortable thanks to her menstrual cramps, it was an exaggeration to say that she could not even get out of bed. She used that as an excuse to get out of making the trip with Trevor.

That being said, she decided to give Wesley a call and inform him that Trevor was going to meet with Quincy.

Emma was unsure if Trevor extended a similar invitation to Wesley, but she felt that it was best if Wesley did tag along

Throughout her writing process, she and Wesley engaged in numerous discussions, so if Wesley went to meet Quincy, he would be able to provide a more in–depth description of the plot and storyline.

Therefore, when Trevor and Cerys arrived at Quincy‘s office half an hour later, they ran into Wesley, who arrived at the same time they did.

Trevor‘s expression soured at once, whereas Wesley kept a straight face as he said, “Emma told me that you‘ll be coming to see Quincy, Mr. Bateson. Emma and I spent countless hours every day discussing the script she‘s working on, so I have a better understanding of the plot and storyline. We both think that it‘d be best if I came to meet Quincy.”

Spending countless hours every day discussing the script?They both think so, huh?

Trevor threw Wesley an icy glare as his expression turned even graver.


He marched into Quincy‘s office without saying anything, while Wesley nodded and greeted Cerys politely before stepping in after him.

Once they were all seated in Quincy‘s office, Quincy‘s eyes flitted back and forth between the two other men before asking tentatively, “Wesley, Mr. Bateson, I‘m just checking, but... you guys are collaborating on this project together, right?” |


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