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Please Go Away, Mr Smith! novel Chapter 10


Amber touches her face while she hears the voice of Shi Muzhou, she tries to hide away her emotions, but Shi Muzhou has already come to her. He followed her all the way here, so surely he saw she’s hit by the car, he then quickly holds her up and asks anxiously:”how do you feel, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Amber shakes her head and says:”just some small scratches on the elbows.”

“Who hit you? You tell me, i’ll sure him onto the court” Shi Muzhou says with an angry tone.

Amber then dazes there, sue Sean Smith? How is that possible? By that time Sean Smith might hate him too.

“The man drove so fast, i did not see clearly his face.”

Amber then walks forward with the supporting from Shi Muzhou, it’s so funny that her legs and elbows got hurt the same place with uneven pain pulling up now.

Shi Muzhou takes a suspacious look at Amber, he clearly saw a car parking here before, after a second thought, he then says:”you are the charger of Luo Shen Bay, so it’s okay if you did not see the man clearly, i’ll just let my agant to check on the monitoring videos.”

“Muzhou, it’s just small scratches, no need to make a fuss, i’ll just wrap it up in the hospital.” Amber says with a calm look, but her attitude is clear, hearing this, Shi Muzhou feels more angry right now.

“Was it Sean Smith again? What’s wrong with him? Why he always make troubles for you? Was he blind to hit on you? I’ve never seen a man who can be so tasteless than him to fix his sight on Tang Tian.”

“He’s such a jerk!”

Amber’s temple beats a few times just now, she then stares at Shi Muzhou:”how many times have i had to remind you that you are a public person, you cannot say words like this in public, you are not only yourself but the whole team, understand?”

Shi Muzhou gets bored by her lecturing, he then holds her from the waist and says with an angry tone:”well, well, i know, stop lecturing me, i’ll take you to the hospital!”

When Shi Muzhou registrates for Amber, his phone keeps ringing, it makes him feeling agitated.

Amber frowns and says to him:”you can go back if you have things to do, i’m a grown up, i’ll be okay here.”

Shi Muzhou is indeed busy on scheduel today, he still has one clothes show to attend after the opening ceremony. It’s his agent who just called him, his agent might feels so anxious right now.

Shi Muzhou then raises his elbow to look at watch:”okay, i go now, you go wrap the wound yourself.”

Amber nods at him, he then leaves the hospital.

After the registration, Amber sits on the stool waiting for the doctor to call her number, there’s also a lover who sit on her opposite, the two seems to be so sweet.

Amber’s eyelid jumps a bit, she seems to see herself 11 years ago.

She’s behind the lover, it’s 20 minutes passed already after she walks inside the room.

The doctor looks old in the age, he wears a pair of glasses, he takes a look at Amber while she walks inside and then watches the wound on her elbows.


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