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Please Go Away, Mr Smith! novel Chapter 14

If he's in a normal mind, how can he help Lu Xiangxiang steal Sean’s underwear and do such a frenzied thing?

After Gu Jinyan drove the car out of the Bay Pavilion for a while, the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. He just parked it on the side of the road, took out the cell phone, sent a text message to Lu Xiangxiang with a tone of laughter:

[Lu Xiangxiang, when did you fall in love with our Sean and why didn’t you tell me that?

[I usually see you are not a obscene person, do you like Sean so much? I did it just as you wish, I’m sure you’ll be satisfied with this gift, !]

When Lu Xiangxiang phone rang, she was squatting on a small table in Cindy White's children's room to watch Cindy do her homework. As soon as the phone shook, she unlocked it.

Seeing the message from Gu Jinyan, Lu Xiangxiang was confused. She was just about to call to ask him if the underwear thing was solved. Amber White suddenly pushed the door and got in.

Lu Xiangxiang was so scared that she knocked on the screen of the mobile phone twice and locked the screen, and her expression was a little unnatural and looked at Amber White.

Amber White looked at her suspiciously, handed the package to Lu Xiangxiang and said, "Gu Jinyan sent you something, why did he send it here?"

Lu Xiangxiang’s eyes were bright and picked on the corners of her mouth. Gu Jinyan did not answer her. She thought that Gu Jinyan was not going to help her.

"Amber, do you have a knife?"

Amber White went out and took a knife to Lu Xiangxiang, Lu Xiangxiang straightly opened the box, pulled out the things inside.

In a transparent plastic bag, everyone can see that it contains a man's panties.

The air stagnated for two minutes before Amber White eased the shock on her face: "Hey, Xiangxiang You're on dating with Gu Jinyan? Aren’t you two good friends?"

Lu Xiangxiang felt awkward and blushed,, and she finally realized what it meant of Gu Jinyan’s message.

She asked Gu Jinyan to help steal a Sean Smith’s underwear, so Gu Jinyan obviously regarded her as a pervert who secretly fell in love with Sean Smith crazily!

Gu Jinyan, this idiot, did she have such a bad eye to fell in love with the man who changes women like changing clothes?

Not to mention that Sean Smith is her good sister Amber White's husband!

Lu Xiangxiang has a good relationship with Amber White and Gu Jinyan, knowing that Sean Smith simply did not believe that Cindy is his child.

So, she meant to let him take Sean Smith’s underclothes, so that she can take and Cindy to do a paternity test, she wants underclothes, not underwear!?

After looking at the paternity test, Sean Smith cannot still not admit that Cindy is his child, do not want to see Cindy?

There was pain in her heart, but she could not say it out, looking at Amber White's more and more strange eyes. Even a word of explanation could not be said.

Lu Xiangxiang sipped her lip, Amber White twisted her eyebrow and said, "you and Gu Jinyan?"

"between the two of us, it has nothing to do with each other!" Lu Xiangxiang said before Amber White opened her mouth, "Amber, I still have something to do, so I won't stay with you and Cindy! I'll go back first! "

Lu Xiangxiang stuffed the bag with underwear into the box and said, "Amber, don't think too much. This underwear is a endorsement of my favorite male star. Of course, I certainly need to buy it. I, a woman, can't go to the counter and buy a man's underwear, so I ask Gu Jinyan to help me to buy one."


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