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Please Go Away, Mr Smith! novel Chapter 16

When Amber White came to the door of the tea room, she heard the sound of talking about her.

"Hey, the bonus of the marketing department has something wrong, and it's said that the bonus of the director White is not as high as a small sales lady. Yao Yao, that's ridiculous, isn’t it?."

Amber White knew the voice, a small employee of the public shut-in department, Wang Jing, she had the impression of her, because the Wang Jing, in the company is a famous big mouth, she dare to say everything and dare to gossip.

The one named Yao Yao has not spoken, Wang Jing said: "I see, her position in the company is at stake, perhaps in a few days, she will be fired!"

Heard that, Yao Yao said, ""What fire. She, is the president's wife, even if it's going to expel people, it can't be her, who's so bold, even the president's wife dares to fire the president’s wife.”

In the tea room, there was a sound of a fine stream of water, and Amber White would have to push the door directly into the water to pick up the water, but when she heard it, the raised hand was put down again.

After hearing Yao Yao, Wang Jing sneered and said, '"Oh, my God! What's the president’s wife? She’d got her status by climbing president’s bed. If it hadn't been for our Director White, would President Smith like to break up with his lover?"

"if you want me to say, maybe for this bonus, Mr. Smith didn’t go through the trial there. Look, so far, the gossip in the company has spread out, in addition to Amber White's money has been reduced by a large amount, whose else has been reduced? This is clear, there is no room for Director White at all! "

Yao Yao thought about it, she said. "I've heard about the president and her. I've heard that she was married three years ago, and Mr. Smith left her alone at the wedding, and at that time, she was pregnant."

"pregnant? ! And, isn't she getting rid of Mr. Smith’s love? To me, I'm not giving her any money. It's like we, we've worked hard every day, though the job is different, but how much do we pay for our wages? The director of White's light is about thirty thousand."

"incentive policy is not desirable, and our income with Director White is seriously out of balance."

Amber White was a little unable to listen. Just as she was about to go in, she suddenly heard Lu Yi's voice.

His tone changed, not as gentle as before, and his voice was cold and dumb: the "The principle of the employment of the public department is keeping a secret, and don't talk about others. If you two can't, go to the HR Department for this month's salary, don't have to come to work tomorrow!"

Yao Yao and Wang Jing were talking, and they didn't expect a sudden appearance of Lu Yi, and Lu Yi would be so serious.

But his character is always peaceful, so neither of them was afraid, and Yao Yao was coquettish with Lu Yi,”Mr. Lu, we know we are wrong, and you do not fire us, and we promise not to say it again. "

Lu Yi turned a deaf ear and his voice was colder: "during work hours, not only stay in the tea room to be lazy, but also talk about your boss, discredit your boss's reputation, Smith's company is too small to accommodate two big Buddhas, immediately settle a clear salary for this month, and leave Smith's!"

Yao Yao and Wang Jing saw that the anger on Lu Yi's face was not fake, they began to panic: "Mr. Lu, we really know the wrong, and give us one more chance."

"the opportunity was not given to you by others, but by yourself!"

Lu Yi's words were meaningful. Yao Yao and Wang Jing knew that he has to drive them away!


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