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Please Go Away, Mr Smith! novel Chapter 20

When Amber White’s words fell, Lu Yi frowned and said, “I am waiting for you. Just in the box, I saw Boss Lin?”

    "Boss Lin?" Amber White smiled and said: "Which Boss Lin?"

    “The Director of GR Building Materials Marketing Department-- Lin Han!” Lu Yi opened his mouth and asked: “Don't you remember? Supplied for the real estate of the Smith group, they were cancelled by you!”

    Amber White eyelids jumped twice, and when Lu Yi said that, she had an impression.

    This Lin Han, she not only had an impression, but the impression was still impression. Speaking of it, a week ago, DR building materials were exposed to provide worse construction materials on the market, and she did it.

    Since she worked in the Smith group, she had a lot of enemies. She had filled the hatred, but there are not a few. What a coincidentally, this Lin Han was the most hated of her!

    Amber White raised her eyebrow and said: "There should be few people in the company who don't know, the entanglement between me and Lin Han, he was invited by Sean Smith?"

    Lu Yi nodded and said, "I am waiting for you here, just for this matter, Amber, I mean, you can go back first. I will inform Sean later, I will say that you are not feeling well?" ”

    "No need to!"

    Amber White interrupted Lu Yi’s words, she reached out and smashed her small suit and said, “Sean went to the marketing department today, many people have seen it. Everyone in the company knows that I will attend the banquet. If I go back now, it isn't suitable."

"I won't leave here, if I do, Lin Han may think that I am afraid of him, and ultimately, it would destroy the momentum of the marketing department! Let's go, let's go in!"

    Lu Yi couldn't stop Amber White, so he had to follow her to go inside of Ye Se.

    When Amber White entered the door, she aroused the eyes of a group of people. Before she married Sean Smith, she was notorious, but her face was also famous.

    Although she had just got off work, she didn't clean up, but a professional suit still outlines her body's graceful curves. Amber White was always with strong manner in the Smith group, and her temperament had long been tough and capable by her own. .

    Because of this toughness and skill that dispelled the sensuality of her face and body, but made her temperament with more indifference, and more beautiful than 3 years ago.

    As soon as she entered the door, Sean Smith’s gaze passed through the group and landed on her.

    Amber White was a beauty, and she's a rare beauty, this point, even Sean Smith himself, can not deny.

    His eyes became darker, and after seeing Lu Yi who was standing behind Amber White, he smiled coldly, and it was right. If Amber White had no ability at all, his cousin wouldn't follow her for so many years!

    Because knowing that Lin Han also participated in the celebration feast, when Amber White entered the door, she subconsciously swept around. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Amber White planned to sit far away from Lin Han.

    However, Lin Han wasn't found yet. Instead, she first saw Tang Tian, ​​who was leaning on Sean Smith!

She wore a little red dress with a delicate makeup on her face, but she only lost her lip makeup!

    When Amber White looked at her, she also saw Amber Whit, her face quickly condensed with a smug smile: "Hey, my sister is coming, should you mind if I sit next to my brother-in-law?"


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