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Please Go Away, Mr Smith! novel Chapter 24

After Sean Smith forcing her to drink two glass of vodka, Amber instantly feels dizzy, Shen also feels so worried about her.

Sean Smith seems like a transparent person in the room, he barely says a word there. But the people attending to the party are not all from marketing department, they are all smart ones.

Since Sean Smith doesn’t really like his so-called wife, then they should show some ‘special’ care to Amber in front of Sean Smith. After all he’s the charger of the company, there’s so many people want to leave so deep impression on him.

Therefore, the people who want to drink with Amber becomes more and more.

In the regardless of Sean Smith, Shen covers two drinks for Amber, after few rounds, she then feels so dizzy in the head.

“President White? Are you okay?” Shen asks with concerns.

Amber sips her lips and shakes her head, this gesture makes Amber more dizzy in the head. She then holds the tea table in front of her and stands up shiverly:”i need to go to the bathroom.”

Shen then nods, but she is held by someone instantly before she follows Amber behind.

“Shen, i should warn you here, director White is your boss, she’s not your daughter, you shouldn’t always follow her behind.”

“Yes, there’s so many people here, you’d better stay here and not add trouble for director White, she’s now a grown up, she can go to the bathroom alone by herself.”

Amber has heard a lot of such envious tone before, as she’s now so drunk, so she don’t want to quarrel with these people over so meaningless things, she then holds the wall and pulls open the door.

It’s like two different world between inside and outside, the place here has so good proofsounding effects, but when Amber walks outside the room, the noisy music seeps into every corner here, the light on the corridor makes Amber feeling alone.

With high-heels, Amber walks slowly with hands holding on the wall, she don’t run to anyone she’s familiar with on the way to the toilet, after entering into the bathroom, she then supports her hands on the washtable and feels vomitting. She hasn’t had anything since she’s at work, so she only vomits out some wine.

Suddenly, a shadow flashes pass her, she don’t look up to see who that person is but wash her face with cold water.

She now feels much comfortable on the stamache, suddenly, there’s vomitting sound coming through from next door, even the incenses in the bathroom cannot hold the smell.

Amber feels again nausia and has another vomitting.

She raises her head and sees clearly the person from the mirror. She then holds some water to clean her mouth with her head half-raising, there’s a foxy sense flowing out from the person, which makes her being more attractive.

The person is exactly Tang Tian.

Amber turns off the faucet and plans to leave, Tang Tian’s voice comes out behind her all of a sudden:”hum, director White, we were like sisters yesterday, why you be such indifferent with me today? You even leave without saying goodbyes to me?”

Amber don’t want to play sister drama with her and walks inside the toliet.


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