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Please Go Away, Mr Smith! novel Chapter 28

There are a lot of people in the room, and even reporters, but they were just there, watching the bodyguards punch and kick a woman,no one tried to stop it,they were just taking photos.

When Sean Smith opened the door, the people inside looked at him.When saw that it was Sean Smith, Lin Han’s body was stiff for a moment!

As soon as Gu Jinyan approached, he recognized the man who was lying on the ground. He reached out and poked Sean Smith. Then he said in a low voice which could only heard by them: "Sean,isn’t that woman from your company's public relations department?But what happened here?"

Sean Smith sighed with a deep sigh of relief, then he recognized her.The person who was lying on the ground and was almost fall in a faint was Wang Jing of the Public Relations Department.

"Mr. Smith??Mr.Smith, I could explain?!"

Lin Han thought that Sean Smith was here for scolding his wife for making Wang Jing like this. so he did not say a word for a long while.

As soon as Seam Smith appeared, the reporters was more crazy and they run to him and put the microphone to his face.

“Mr. Smith, why do you appear here? Everyone knows that the lady on the ground is an employee of the public relations department of your company. She and Lin Han appeared on the same occasion. Is it just an coincidence?"

"Mr. seam, you are in a hurry to appear here, is it because that Miss Wang and you have other relationships besides colleagues?"

When Sean Smith saw that the person was not Amber White. He reached out and pushed away those microphones in front of him. Then he made a way from the crowded reporters,and went out of the hotel directly.

When they got rid of those reporters, he sat on the car and looked calm. Gu Jianyan glanced at him and whispered: "Sean, don't tell me that you just to make a fun!"

"Your expression showed your worry, talk to me honestly, who did you think the woman was?"


He frowned, more seriously,was he worried about Amber White?


He admitted that he had a little worried when he saw Wang Jing’s back in the newspaper,it looked like Amber White.

But he was not worried about her at all, it was just that she was still his wife in public, so it would definitely made him shameless if such scandal appeared!

He was Sean Smith, how many women in City Tong wanted to get him,wanted to be his lover,but they had no ways!

If his wife in law became others’ lover? He couldn’t afford this!

That's right!

Sean Smith affirmed in his heart, he would not worry about Amber White, he was only worried about his own reputation!

He worried that her had affairs again!

"Gu,What’s wrong with you.why did you like gossip more than those women?"

Sean Smith scolded Gu in a low voice, the gloomy feeling in his heart had almost disappeared by his own defense,and he also forgot his worry.

Gu Jinyan saw that he was even joking with him. So his eyebrows were picked up again. A pair of eyes glanced up and down,then he asked, "Are you sure?"

Sean Smith’s lips hooked,showed an ironic smile.

The woman who could make him worry?Only Manman,but...

She had already left city Tong three years ago!


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