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Please Go Away, Mr Smith! novel Chapter 43

After walking outside of Hai Wan Xiang Xie, Sean Smith drives to leave.

He steps the throttle pedal to the end and puts on a cold smile, the award ceremony was held yesterday and Ye Se didn't do business today, so Amber White must’ve suffered a lot at Ye Se.

Right now, there’s only the lip colour of Sean Smith turns to be colder in this dark night.

As Sean Smith expected, Amber is curling up at toilet with a stiff body right now, her stomach is empty and has spasms of pain. It’s been 20 hours since she has not taken any food, after spending a night at cold floor, her lips get white, her body goes into stiff from coldness, although it’s summer, someone seems to play some pranks of turning on the air-condtioner of toilet at it’s minimum, just like this, Amber spent the night at toilet.

The toilet is all in darkness as if it were playing some horrible movies, Amber feels so scared and hungry, tears cannot stop rolling down from her eyes at this moment. Amber has shivers on the body, she has no any strength left to call for help. She feels so desperate right now, she worries about Cindy, what if she’s lost? Her breathes get weaker and weaker, her eyelids get more and more heavy, when she feels almost unconscious, the door’s pushed open suddenly from outside, then lights flows in. The handsome face of Sean Smith becomes more and more clear.

The moment time looks so alike with 11 years ago, at that day, he pushed open the door and walked towards her like a god. All of a sudden, tears fill in her eyes.

Is it just her illusion? Finally she cannot hang on anymore, her eyes goes blank, her body then falls onto ground.

Before she’s unconscious, Amber mocks at herself a bit.

It’s him who puts her into such poor situation, he hates her so much, how can he come here to save her in such late hour?

Because of the thing that happened three years ago, he so wants to strangle her to die! Now he comes here to save her? That’s impossible! She might be so crazy right now!

He’s no longer the Sean Smith eleven years ago! At least he loved him at that time.

If he knows that she has been locking in such dark place where has no any food or water, he would clap his hands! Right now, her mind is messy, her chest is painful as if it were being teared off. There’s coldness entangling her body thoroughly!

Sean Smith has never thought the first scene when he pushes open the door is to see the terrible look of Amber White! He pulls his lips a bit and puts on a mocking sense.

Hum! Isn’t she always good at playing others? How come she has such day too! She can deal with the scandle of Tang Tian at opening ceremony so well, how come she’s lost in mind when bad things come to her?

He half squats down and shakes Amber:”Amber White? Are you dead?”

Amber remains still there with a pale face. After touching her body, Sean Smith clearly feels the hotness on her, he then narrows his eyes and has a thought. Is she having a fever?

He then squints at the toilet and finds the air-condtioner here is still on, besides, someone seems to turn it down to 16 degree, but right now, there’s only a thin T-shirt on Amber’s body. She has been staying here for so long, how can she not be sick?

Normally, Amber does things with a tough look, it’s the first time Sean Smith sees her being such weak. He then frowns there all of a sudden. She always caculates people with a perfect plan, when she’s having a devious thought for tricking others, she might’ve never thought she would also be caculated by them someday.


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