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Please Go Away, Mr Smith! novel Chapter 45

She felt more wronged when she was spoiled, Amber White said in a choked voice, "Sean Smith, I almost died on the roof, it's your fault, why do you have so many bad romances?"

"I'm sorry, Amber, I won't let that happen again.I promise!"

Sean Smith held her in his arms and said: "I promise you, Amber, I'll find you wherever you are, and I won't let you be wronged."

Amber White curled up in the arms of Sean Smith, and wiped tears and sweat on Sean Smith's clothes. Even though he was a neat freak, at that moment, he just wanted her not to cry.

He lowered his head and kissed the tears on Amber White's face. He coaxed carefully, "Amber, trust me once more, okay?"

Amber White stopped crying and nodded to Sean Smith, giving him a positive answer.

"OK!Sean Smith,If such a thing happened again, you must find me quickly, I am really afraid!"


“Sean Smith?”

In the big ward, the woman's voice was shallow and low, and Sean Smith suddenly opened his piercing eyes when he was almost asleep.

He looked up at the water in the bottle and it only left half.

The man thought that Amber White woke up and looked at the bed, but she was still lying lifeless, pale, with her eyes closed, and didn't seem to wake up.

But Amber White's lips opened and called out his name in an eager voice with affection, as if calling her lover who had been tangled with her for several lives.

Sean Smith suddenly had a strange feeling after hearing her call his name.

But he did not explore the cause, his eyes were lowered and a shadow fell on his face.

Was she still calling his name when she was so sick? Did she like him so much?

Man's heart sneered. People like Amber White could have true feelings?

If she had, how did she drive Man man away three years ago?

“Sean Smith?Sean?”

Amber White screamed again.Her face was pale and her tone grew more anxious.The gap between Sean Smith's brows were deeper and deeper.

He changed his position and looked inquiringly at Amber White.

How did Amber White like him?

The question seemed to be taking root in Sean Smith's heart. Then he pulled his chair forward, and fell his gaze on Amber White's face.

He didn't know why would Amber White have a high fever in the summer.

She looked very ill, and her pretty little face flushed.

Tiny beads of sweat oozed from her full forehead, making Amber White even weak.

Her cheeks were covered with a layer of fluff that almost invisible, and the outline of her skin was soft and bright.


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