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Please Go Away, Mr Smith! novel Chapter 6

“Mrs. Smith, how do you feel that Mr Smith took Tang Tian to the Hai Wan Xiang Xie at night?”

“Mrs. Smith, in what capacity did Miss Tang attend the opening ceremony with your husband on her arm today?”

“As everyone knows, you are the young lady of the Family Smith. Your relationship has been not well. Tang Xian appeared this time. Is there any indication?”

The reporter’s question is more and more tricky, and Sean Smith and Tang Tian don’t have the intention to explain. Amber White’s eyes lies on Sean Smith’s face.

He looked cold and looked like he was listening to what Tang Tian was saying .

When Amber White saw that they’ve finished questioning, she smiled and said: “I know everything you said.”

In a word, the spotlight flashed insanely, which is too shining that Amber White cannot open her eyes.

“Today, I have three announcements to make. The first is, of course, the top priority. Everyone knows that Luoshen Bay is opening. As one of the leaders of this project, I would like to thank all the media for joining us.”

“Secondly, I would like to welcome Tang Tian to join us as one of the guests and spokespersons of the Luoshen Bay. Third, it is also a private matter between us.”

“Everyone should be aware that Tang Tian doesn't have a very good family. For so many years, she has always been subsidized by Sean and I. Speaking of Tiantian, she is my good sister, we two have always loved her. It is common for her to go home to live, isn’t it, Tiantian?”

When Amber White’s words fell, there was a reporter who was close to Tang Tian passed the microphone to her.

Tang Tian is indeed born in poverty. The screen image that Smith Company created for her is inspirational. If Tang Tian denied what Amber White said, it would be equivalent to admitting that she was subjected to the hidden rule of Sean Smith and did the third person in their marriage!

She hated the appearance of Amber White, easy to say a word to say clear the relationship between her and Sean Smith, is also a sentence, can let her agent let her lose weight twenty pounds!

Tang Tian bites the posterior alveolar, and in the heart hates her to die, but her face is pulled out with a reluctant smile, saying: “Yes, I have always been very grateful to sister-Amber.”

In the past three years, the rumor of Sean Smith continued, Amber White was speechless from the reporter’s questioning, and now the answer is perfect, she feels incredible.

The matter was explained clearly. The reporter did not find the explosion point, and they were not willing to come in vain. He naturally shifted his attention to the opening ceremony of Luoshen Bay.

Family Smith invited a well-known host in the industry, three words and two sentences will be active up the atmosphere of the audience.

When the interest was high, the host asked the technician to play the concept video of the Luoshen Bay property.

At that time, Amber White was looking down at the documents handed by Xiao Shen. The scene suddenly became noisy.

She noticed that the sleeves were caught, and Amber White rubbed her eyebrows and glanced at Xiao Shen. Xiao Shen’s face was white and his voice trembled: “Director White, do you see?”

When Amber White looked up, she was facing the picture of the white body entangled on the big screen. The heroine in the picture is one of the spokespersons.

Tang Tian.

In the photo, she has a seductive look on her face that is inconsistent with her pure appearance.

Amber White smashed her eyebrows, and the lips and corners were sarcasm. She remembered that Sean Smith was an overly tidy person. Now is good,

or is he has begun to take care of it?


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