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Prince Reagan novel Chapter 2


“Okay, that’ll be all for today. Good day, class.” Miss. Ava dismisses us all, and we pack our books to leave. Thankfully it’s my last class for the day, so I made my way to the dormitory, ready to relax after the long, excruciating week. I plug in my earpiece while climbing down steps after steps, avoiding bumping into other students before finally making it downstairs and out the large double doors.

Lana, my roommate, won’t be in our room for a while. Her classes end later in the evening. So it’ll be just me. Maybe I should get a job to keep me occupied.

I don’t have many friends as I do not want phonies in my life. They hadn’t paid me any attention in high school, and I don’t need them to now.

I’m only friends with Lana because she’s my roommate, and it’s inevitable to be friends with someone entertaining and chatty as her. I also couldn’t escape being friends with her other friend, Gina. I don’t so much like Gina as she’s bitchy to most people, but she’s kinda nice to me. I don’t know if she’s genuine or just because of Lana. Either way, I’m stuck with both of them.

I have tons of assignments from this week to be done anyway, and tonight is Brad’s inauguration as our new Alpha.

A new Alpha is usually appointed immediately as he turns twenty, and Brad turned twenty a few months ago. I’m not sure why the ceremony was held back a bit, but some rumors are going around that the Alpha isn’t too pleased with Brad. Something about him not being ready due to his reckless behaviors.

I’m not a judge, but since he had the gut to reject me, his true mate, I doubt he’s fit to rule a pack of werewolves, especially one this big.

Due to my earpiece and me not paying attention to my surroundings, I don’t hear someone sneak up behind me as I near the school dorms despite my wolf hearing. Only by the time I am in the quiet hallways of the dorms do my wolf senses start to tingle. I halt in my step and begin to slowly peel off my earpiece for better hearing.

“You look even more beautiful every day.” I know that voice. That voice once told me I was weak and unfit to be by his side as Luna. Now it’s telling me I’m beautiful?

What a joke. I scoff internally.

I slowly turn to Brad as he stands in the middle of the hallway, thumbs in his jeans pocket and a sick smirk playing on his lips. I’m disgusted by the sight of him, but the mate pull makes me shiver in delight as my heart does flip flops. I hate this feeling. How could something make me want someone I so despise. It’s like a drug, causing me to do the opposite of what I want.

“What do you want?” I scowl at him, gritting my teeth in anger. I remember what he tried to do to me yesterday. If Lana hadn’t arrived the time she did, God knows I wouldn’t be able to resist him for long. One because of his Alpha strength, two because of the damn mate pull.

His smirk falls off and turns to a scowl at my cold tone. He moves closer to me, looking intimidating with his bulk figure and Alpha aura. But I take my stand and look him back in the eye.

An average wolf would cower at the sight of their Alpha’s aura, but not me. Since I’m his mate, or was, he has little to no effect on me.

“Weren’t you the one giving me seductive glances in class? I just came to accept your invitation.” He raises his palm and slowly skims it across my cheeks and down my neck. My body quivers in response to the mate bond, and I quickly take a step back. He frowns in response, but I don’t care.

His touch is supposed to repulse you, Ellie. Don’t give in.

“I wasn’t giving a piece of shit like you any seductive look. Rather, I was glaring and thinking to myself how an ass like you is being given the title of alpha…”

I barely finish my statement when he grabs and slams me against the wall beside us, trapping me with both his hands at the sides of my head.

I feel the sharp pain shoot through my back, but it quickly fades away as to my quick werewolf healing. I resist the urge to wince or hiss in pain, not wanting to give him any satisfaction. I turn to look down the hallway and find it still empty. Where the hell is everyone when you need them?!

I feel his palm stroke my hair softly as he whispers.

“Now…now, Ellie. Do not piss me off. You do not want to see me mad.” He says, his tone eerily calm as his face gets closer to my neck. I try to recoil from him pushing further into the wall, but there’s nowhere to go. He has me trapped with his scent surrounding me and making my hormones go haywire.

His right-hand leaves the wall to go down and stroke my thigh. I suddenly regret wearing a mini skirt today. Heat travels all the way up my body, and my stomach clenches in desire.

Damn mate bond.

“You smell so good.” He purrs into my neck, running his nose down it.

I’m about to raise my leg and knee him in the balls when I heard a familiar feminine voice gasp behind him.

“Brad. What are you doing?” Stacy has her palm over her lips as she stares at us in shock.

I’m filled with satisfaction at the hurt look on her face. Now she knows how I felt all those times, but she won’t ever fully understand my pain. I was mated to Brad by the moon. My suffering will always be greater than hers, even though she now bears his mark.

Brad stiffens when he hears her voice but doesn’t budge. His face is still buried in my neck as he breaths in my scent.

Maybe it’s because I wanted to see her hurt the more, but I wrap an arm around Brad’s neck and arch my chest up to him. He lets out a pleased growl while I smirk deviously at Stacy.

She glares at me with so much hatred in return, and I could see her tiny fists shake in anger.

“Brad…” Stacy takes a step closer to us, “Get away from her. She’s tricking…”

He sharply turns his head to her, “Can’t you see I’m busy? Get out!” He uses his Alpha tone on her, something she can’t resist, before turning back to bury his face in my neck.

Tears pool in her eyes at her mate’s dismissal and her lips begin to tremble like she’s about to cry. I smirk in satisfaction as she turns to leave, running with sobs escaping her lips.

Now that she’s gone, time to get rid of the prick molesting me.

Since his guard is let down, thinking I’m accepting him, I take the opportunity to push him off me with all the strength I could muster.

He staggers back, dazed at my sudden action. He clearly wasn’t expecting that and tries to get a hold of me once more. But I stop him by moving away.

“Stay away from me, Brad. You’ve made your choice, so leave me the heck alone!” I seethe through clenched teeth before spinning to walk away, leaving behind a dazed alpha with a damaged ego. Guess I’m the first to tell him ”no”. I saw the regret in his eyes, though. Too bad for him, ’cause it’s too late. I’m never accepting him back, nor am I becoming his mistress.


In the evening, I’m exhausted with the load of assignments I’ve been trying to get done. No one said college was going to be this tiring. I went for a run sometime in the afternoon to just let my wolf loose before rushing back.

Lana drops in around this time with Gina, holding shopping bags and looking excited. I stare at them as they keep on giggling and trying on their new outfits. They are even blushing.

“Okay…what’s the special occasion?” I ask, curious about their happy mood.

“Brad’s inauguration, duh.” They giggle once more before Lana comes to sit with me on my bed. My assignments are scattered all over it, and I start packing them so she wouldn’t wrinkle them.

“We heard a rumor about the King sending someone special tonight instead of the usual boring advisors.” She explains while Gina stands beside her with a big smile on her face.

“It’s Prince Reagan.” Gina blurts out in a squeal. I arch an eyebrow at them, looking confused and disinterested.

“You know, the second Prince of King Aldrich…” Lana elaborates, noticing my unfazed expression. I still don’t get what the whole fuss is about.

She sighs in return, “Anyway, the point is real royalty is coming tonight…”

“And he’s single!” Gina pipes in with a dreamy sigh.

Lana and Gina are both unmated werewolves, still free to fool around with whomever they choose to. They don’t seem bothered that they aren’t mated yet. This makes them feel free to go out and do whatever the hell they like. They clearly don’t know the wonderful feeling of seeing your mate. Not that I know much about it.

I really don’t want to see Brad being named Alpha. I would prefer to be in my bed watching Netflix, but all pack members from the Lunar pack are expected to be there. Even some other werewolf Pack members in California are also going to be there.


The Lunar pack is one of the largest in Los Angeles, California. We have one of the strongest warriors and smartest wolves. We’re also very populated, and we keep growing every day. Most packs try to get on our good sides, and I’m sure some Alphas will be present at the inauguration today.

Such a shame that a big pack such as this will be led by a douchebag like Brad.

Chapter 2 1

Chapter 2 2


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