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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 31

My eyes widened as Alpha King Maxxwell kissed me savagely as if he was punishing me using his kisses. He bit my lips nearly drawing blood but the more he made it rough, the more it brought pleasure to my body.

What. The. Fuck. Was. Happening. Here? The alpha king was kissing me even if I was not his sex slave. And a certain part of me was screaming to answer back to his kisses! Just like what happened at my pack during the Mating Ceremony.

No, no. I must never give in to the temptation or he would think the rumors about Elijah and I would become true.

So I just stood there, forcing myself not to return his kisses as his scent nearly knocked me over. I wanted to sniff him and do other dangerous and sinful thoughts which I never thought I would be doing when I was still in my pack. And these thoughts were scary as hell as if those were not mine.

Only the alpha king was able to release all these confusing emotions. And the conflicting part of all is we were not mates. Right?

"You like this, River?" he whispered, brushing my upper lip with my fingers. "Your body wanted this. But you are fighting it. Why? Is it because I am not Elijah?" he sneered. "I can kiss better than him. I can pleasure you more than him."

Gold flashes his eyes as if his beast was trying to fight for control.

As if insulting him, I wiped my lips using the back of my hand, and boy. He was looking at me and his expression turned darker than ever.

"That's not the issue here, Your—"

My words were cut when he dipped his mouth into mine and bit my lower lip once more.

I was surprised and gasped and used the opportunity to enter his tongue inside my mouth.

I bit his upper lip when my control was starting to slip away and just go with the flow. I earned a moan from his mouth which I did not hear when the alpha king and Nora were fucking. Or was it both of them?

I knew I should respond if I like what he is doing. I like it. In some way. A certain part of me wanted it, making my toes curl, making me silently ask for more than he could give me.

However, that was the confusing part. Why was I enjoying this? Why did his soft touches make me feel as if I was burning for it? Hungry for him? Was I that desperate for someone to desire me?

Gasping for breath, we both pulled away and I looked up, staring at his murderous glares towards me.

"Did Elijah kiss better than me, huh? Are you now his whore?" he spat, curling his lip, hatred on his face.

It did not fully sink into what he just said and it took me longer than that.

Whore? Did he think I was whoring myself for Elijah so that he will teach me how to read and write?

Desire was suddenly replaced by irritation for him while my hands trembled in fury.

"With all due respect, Your Majesty, perhaps you understood it wrongly."

He lifted my chin, using enough force, but not enough to inflict pain, but to make his point. "An alpha king is never wrong."

"You are mistaken," I replied as if I was challenging him.

"You never listen, do you?"

"No. It is you who never listened to my explanations."

My breathing was labored as if I had run a marathon. My nostrils flared as I stared at him.

The alpha king's fist clenched by their sides, and rolled their shoulders back, giving me a death stare. "Explain it to me, River. Explain why the alpha king's servant, my servant, mine." Why did my heart jump when he announced the word mine? "...is found in the company of Elijah, the womanizer in this palace, fucking with him."

"I did not, Your Majesty," emphasizing his name. "How many times will I defend myself? For crying out loud, those are baseless rumors coming from Nora's mouth! That woman is never fond of me and wants you for herself."

He pressed his hands on my chin and made me look at him longer. "Really? You did not whore yourself to him, huh? Lies," he spat, and slightly pushed me. I thought he would let me go, but he unexpectedly grabbed my wrist, carried me as if I weighed nothing but a feather, put me on his shoulders, and threw me into the bed. I bounced a couple of times before it stopped.

I angrily gazed at him even if he was the alpha king and he returned the same intensity of gaze to me.

Explaining my side was not helping at all.


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