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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 32

I stepped back and looked at him with a horrified look on my face while trying to fight off my embarrassment as I struggled to meet his gaze.

Clutching my ears as the tingling sensation of his mouth in my ears still persisted, I uttered, “Do you want me to, Your Majesty? You do not know me fully well, then.”

“Are you willing to die in exchange for knowing who is Zenith?” he asked me. “Death awaits those people who keep on trying to unveil what happened one year ago. If you are ready to face death, I can tell you all about her. But in exchange, you die.”

A shiver ran down my spine as I listened to him. Was that woman even worth it?

“You can bury all her secrets in your grave, Your Majesty. I no longer want to know about that woman.” But it does not mean I will stop knowing more.

He scoffed, leaning on the table. “I thought you were desperate about that, River. But I was wrong. You’re more desperate to put Elijah under your clutches. You are the same as the others in the palace.”

My eyes narrowed at the weight of his statement. “What are you trying to say, Your Majesty?”

“Isn’t it obvious? The fierce look in your eyes. The way you did not cower under my gaze, but instead looked at me straight in my eyes told me you wanted power. You will do anything to achieve your goal reminding me of someone. And gaining Elijah’s trust and using him would be to your advantage. What are you planning to do, River? You’re quite ambitious. I will credit you for that.”

I shifted on my side, not allowing him to see that he partly caught me there. “Nothing. You are mistaken. Everything you said was untrue.”

“I am never wrong about uncovering a person’s true color. However, let me remind you that it is wrong to bite your master’s hand. I owned you, River. If you forget, I am your master. I can do whatever I want with you.”

“You can do whatever you want to others, but not me, Your Majesty. You can do it if I allow it. There’s a fine line between harassment, respect, and abuse.”

“Ah. Such fire in your eyes. Full of passion and life. It’s beautiful to look at them just like how I loved watching the wildness of your hair right now. It perfectly suits you.” He folded his arms in front of his chest and said, “And another thing. I was harassing you? What part, River? Your body screamed at you telling me that you like my kisses, but you are fighting for control. No one ever refuses me. And may I remind you that you are my personal servant? We had a deal.”

My chest constricted hearing him compliment my hair which was one of my insecurities. I gritted my teeth, refusing to be swayed by his words.

Clearing my throat, I replied, “Yes, we had a deal, Your Majesty. You are right that you own my life, but it does not guarantee I will give my body to you. I want men who can satisfy me in bed and Sir Elijah can kiss better than you.”

It was too late to take back my words. The alpha king got madder and in a blink of an eye, he grabbed me and kissed me again, savagely.


If he wants the same, I will give it to him.

If you cannot beat him, join him. As the adage says.

So instead of fighting him, I used another tactic. One moment I was noncompliant and the next moment, I kissed him. Hard, gripping with the same intensity he used while snaking one of my arms around his neck. While the other fisted on his shirt, I ripped it apart and touched his ripped body with intense touches.

His hands cradled my bottom. Using that leverage, I jumped and wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt the alpha king walk in whatever direction and shoved me until my back hit the cold wall. Without breaking the kiss.

Punishment after punishment.

Every kiss left a burning mark on my body, making me feel as if I was thrown into hot burning magma inside the mouth of an erupting volcano.

Muting my thoughts, I just focused on my body’s reaction and copied how rough he touched me.

The alpha king’s fingers dug into my hips but as seconds passed by, the rougher it got, the wetter I felt it became down there.

However, the punishing kisses melted away until they became brushes of lips between our lips until the energy in our bodies nearly left us.

Rough became soft.

My hands traveled toward his hair and pulled him closer to me, and he did not even protest. Instead, he was loving it. As much as I do.

No. I must fight this reaction.

It was too late. I was already drunk from him.

However, to save myself from the embarrassment that I liked everything, I pulled myself still carried by him.


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