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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 83

My strength gave in and released Alpha Erik’s collar. “Are you sure about that?” I mumbled. I did not know if I was happy or not if it was Zenith.

He nodded. “The resemblance was uncanny. You could pass as sisters, River. Or she can be your mother. She was quite young but could be your mother.”

Zenith’s face, as I imagined, came into view. Zenith as my mother? And we both were mates of the alpha king? What kind of sick joke was that?


It was early to conclude. I needed proof. What if I ask the alpha king about Zenith? Will he answer my questions?

“You’re getting paler, River. Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?”

I inhaled deeply. “No. Continue, Alpha Erik. What happened next?”

Alpha Erik sat on the chair. “When her pursuers nearly caught her, she had no choice but to leave you behind. In the hope of maybe saving you? And then, after securing you safe in the river, she was gone. After that, I called Father.”

Whether it was Zenith or not, one thing was for sure. Whoever carried me back then wanted me to be safe.

Something brushed my heart while my eyes watered. That woman must have been scared for her life and mine but did not know what she would do next. Still, she chose my safety over hers. However, did she do the right thing after Alpha Wade turned me into his slave and omega of the pack, where I suffered greatly? If the woman only brought her with me, I was willing to suffer with her. I wondered what had happened to her. Was she alive?

“You can sit down, River. It will not kill you.”

I obliged and sat at the table.

“There. You have it. That’s the truth, River.”

“Your Father lied to me,” I mumbled. I was right when I thought I had to ask a few individuals and not depend on him. He was excellent at twisting his words.

“Please forgive him for that. That’s why I approached you. I have been thinking about it. Of telling you or not. In the end, I decided to tell you. You have the right to know. I am not sure if it would help you.”

Was there a chance that it was Zenith?

My mind would not release the thoughts that perhaps Zenith and I were somewhat related— a mother or sibling.

Massaging my forehead, I put my feet on the chair opposite to mine.

The need to drink another glass was calling me. I understand now why some werewolves loved drinking.

What if it was really Zenith? What if those people chasing her were bandits or rogues and sold her off to the auction house owned by Master Henderson? That would be possible.

Too many questions, yet I did not know anyone who could help me with this.

If only Zenith was alive, just like what the alpha king strongly believed.

Alpha Erik’s frown deepened. “Are you okay, River?”

“Yeah. Yeah.”

“Do you want to drink more? If I remember correctly, there is some hidden wine in this office.”

“Are you planning something evil, Alpha Erik? You better remove that from your mind. Alpha King Maxxwell will not be happy,” I threatened, even if I had doubts.

Alpha Erik scratched his chin. “I’m not thinking of anything but your welfare. After all, the Moon Goddess once paired us.”

“But you rejected me without batting an eye.”

He held his hands in the air as a sign of surrender. “I already regretted it, River. However, even if I cannot correct what I have done, I want to be nice, at least to you.”

“To remove your guilt?” I asked.

He gave me a small smile. “So that I can sleep peacefully at night now.”

We looked at each other for a long time before I looked away first. “It made me happy that you also suffered, Alpha Erik.”

“I know. So…would you want another drink or not?”

Maybe drinking would help me right now. “Yes, please,” I muttered in the end.

“A minute.”

After leaving me, Alpha Erik was back with a fine-looking, expensive wine with another glass in one hand. For him. I never intended to make this a drinking session, but if this would help calm my nerves right now, I would willingly do it.

Everything was shocking, with no way of verifying if Zenith and I were related.

“This is one of Father’s collections dated back to the 2000s called Merry Go Happy. This is no longer in the market and has become rare, making it one of the most expensive wines in the world.”

“That will cost a fortune, Alpha Erik.”

“Actually, this wine cost $20,000 in the market.”

My eyes widened.

“Your Father is housing that kind of wine? Drinking that behind his back will not bring me any guilt.”

“You hated Father that much?”


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