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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 84

I know Alpha Erik, and I did nothing wrong. The man lost his balance and took all the fall, but the alpha king's scrutinizing eyes made me feel I was at fault and deserved his angry stares at us.

“Your Majesty,” I mumbled to myself.

The alpha king's eyes shifted back to the table and saw the bottle of wine and our three empty glasses. His mood was getting more sour as the moments passed by.

“Did you celebrate something? Or is it your upcoming union?”

Union? He had a hyperactive imagination right now.

With clumsy moves, I scampered away from Alpha Erik.

"Your Majesty. It's not what you think," I explained, my words still slurred.

Damn it.

How would I convince him if I was drunk?

Alpha King Maxxwell folded his arms in front of his chest.

"I was looking for you earlier when you suddenly disappeared beside me. Only to find you with your ex-mate. I wondered what the two of you had talked about, River. Or maybe I will take my leave so that you will continue what you haven’t finished."

Alpha Erik was already standing on his feet, a mere distance from me. He wiped the dust from his clothes.

"Your Majesty. Her Grace is telling the truth. We did nothing—"

"Out, Alpha Erik," the alpha king commanded in a low voice, cutting off his words. “Don’t show me your face until tomorrow, or I may do something I will regret.”

Instead of getting worried for his life, Alpha Erik looked at me with concern but sighed in the end. He had no choice but to follow the alpha king's order.

“It was I who offered her a drink, Your Majesty. Please don’t get angry with Her Grace.”

“I’m not asking for an explanation, Alpha Erik,” the alpha king responded, growling. “Out before I kill you now.”

“Your Majesty, Alpha Erik was only kind enough to join me,” I uttered, hoping to defend him.

The alpha king clenched his fist.

“Your Grace. His Majesty will never listen. That’s my cue to leave.”

Left with no choice, Alpha Erik went straight to the door, bowed at the alpha king, and departed.

The alpha king slammed the door shut, making me jump.

I saw a piece of cloth and wiped the table.

"Did you have a great time, River?" the alpha king taunted.

He strolled closer to me, attempting to close the distance between us. I stopped wiping the table, and I held my ground. Alpha Erik and I only talked. Nothing significant happened except for telling me those essential details.

"You did have the best of your time. You were happily talking to him. He was your first love, and he will never die. Then what? Did you beg him to take you back and break his engagement to Lady Juliana?"

I sniffed him.

He was not drunk nor took a sip of any drinks.

Why was he acting like this, as if he was jealous?

The alpha king stood inches from me, his breath fanning against mine.

A shiver ran down my spine when he leaned closer, nearly shoving his face against mine.

Gold flashed in his eyes, his beast wanting control.

I gulped. "As I said, we only talked, Your Majesty."

"Did the two of you kiss behind my back? Did he kiss better than me? Did something happen between you two?" he pressed even more. "I did not know you still wanted to pick your garbage."

"Alpha Erik is a changed man," I defended. “Please don’t think ill of him, Your Majesty.”

Bad move. Since the alpha king suddenly growled back at me.

"Now you're defending him."

His body shook from anger, and all I could do was step back.

"I am defending him because we did nothing wrong. I did not betray you, Your Majesty! Betrayal means I sided with him. But no. My loyalty still lies in the crown. In your kingdom."

The alpha king sniffed me. His eyes narrowed when he caught a whiff of the liquor in my system.

"Lies! I always tasted the horrible taste of your lies, River," he barked.

He drove me to the cold wall until my back hit the shelves. The alpha king put both of his hands beside me, caging me. His breathing was rugged. He was still trying to fight for control.

"I don't understand you, Your Majesty!"

"You keep on lying, River! Did you think I did not know?" he inquired.

The alpha king's mind was already closed. There was no point in explaining.

"Fine. If you won't listen to me, think what you want to think."


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