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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 375

Read Chapter 375 – 376 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 375

She and Walton are cousins.

Although Walton no longer has her parents, she lives in Shu’s family as a child, and she is very much loved by Elder Shu. Therefore, don’t look at Walton as an orphan without a father or mother, but Walton is an orphan in Min’s family. Haughty existence.

What is the Min family?

In Nancheng, even a middle-class family can’t be counted as a middle-class family. The Min’s family is just an old four-bedroom, two-living property in the city. Supermarket.

Originally, Rayna, just like other civilians, graduated from college to find a job at the bottom, starting from the bottom and slowly climbing up, and when he reached a middle-level cadre, he would become an old man.

But because of the cousin Walton, the Min family has changed a lot.

The most notable thing is that Walton asked her cousin to work in this company. Walton also asked her cousin Darius to escort her, so don’t look at Rayna’s family situation. , But she is in the company, but no one does not know the existence of a princess.

Rayna also liked this identity very much.

In a daze, she even thought that she was really the noble princess of a big family in Nancheng. It was only when she communicated with her cousin Walton on the phone that Rayna could deeply understand that she and her cousin Walton’s difference is huge.

Because of the Shu family’s relationship, Walton can choose her husband and son at will in the upper class. Originally, Walton wanted to marry Nancheng’s richest man, the uncrowned king Arron, but because Arron had a fiance, Walton had to Secondly, he chose Joan.

But even a man like Joan is not something that Rayna can think about.

This is the difference between Rayna and Walton.

The same surname is Min, and they are still so close to each other, but Walton can walk in the upper class, can arbitrarily look down on her uncle and aunt, and even unscrupulously treat her cousin Rayna as a current person.

And she, Rayna, had nothing. No!

She must hold a beetle-in-law.

Darius is impossible. The Shu family will definitely not let Darius marry Rayna. Rayna puts all his bets on Lenny. As long as she can marry Lenny, Rayna will be able to do it too. Become a true high-class wife.

I will definitely not lose to my cousin Walton.

In the future, the cousin dare not arrogantly stand up in front of her cousin.

Thinking of this in her heart, Rayna also got out of the elevator. Since she was sharing the news with her cousin on WeChat just now, she didn’t even look at herself at the elevator. When she got out of the elevator, Rayna went to the company’s logistics department. Go.

When she arrived at the logistics department, she picked up the microphone and adjusted her voice and said, “Hello everyone, I’m Rayna. As a member of the company, I think it is necessary for me to remind all women in the company that you must guard against being calm. Suzi.

This woman is very shameless!

This woman almost separated my cousin and my cousin-in-law, and now she still looks at my cousin-in-law, not only that, she also took aim at our company’s young master, Suzi is a man who hooks a man when she sees a man. Woman.

Sisters, you must resist Suzi! “

When she said these words, everyone in the company was stunned.

Then, many people began to run towards the logistics department one after another, and Rayna was talking incessantly in the large conference room of the logistics department.

When everyone saw Rayna, they couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

Rayna immediately asked: “You, what are you laughing at?”

Chapter 376

Two thousand one

At this moment, Suzi also came to Rayna.


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