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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 377

Read Chapter 377 – 378 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 377

“I…I don’t want to live anymore! uuu…” Rayna ran out crying.

Behind him, Lenny called the security department: “Looking at the woman with a cat-faced cat, she must think about not letting her find her death in the company!”

The men of the Jun family have always treated women who they don’t like are only cooler and disdain, not the coolest and disdain.

In Lenny’s eyes, he never regarded Rayna as a woman.

Wrong, because he never regarded Rayna as a person.

“It’s all gone!” Lenny looked at the support present and said coldly.

“Yes, Master Jun!” Many people responded in unison, and then filed out.

“Suzi.” Lenny yelled. When she was about to let Suzi stay for a while, Lenny’s cell phone rang, and he picked it up to connect: “Hey, little uncle, what’s the matter?”

The little uncle in Lenny’s mouth is Sanford’s cousin Xu Zetong.

At the other end, no one knew what Xu Zetong said, so he heard Lenny say: “Okay, I see, I will come right now.”

After closing the line, when he wanted to call Suzi again, he saw that Suzi was no longer in the meeting room. Lenny wanted to go to the design department where Suzi was shrinking to find Suzi, but because my uncle asked him to do it. Things were more urgent, and Lenny immediately left the company again.

And here, Suzi has returned to the design department.

“Sorry director, you really shouldn’t lie to me to come back. It’s normal for the company not to come to work, and I didn’t plan to come, but what did you lie to me for?” Suzi questioned the design director displeasedly.

The director said with a very embarrassed expression: “Suzi, I know you are wronged, but you have offended the company’s little princess Rayna. Although she was driven out of the company by Lenny today, Rayna has a backstage. Of.

Her backstage is no weaker than Mr. Jun.

We…As a part-time worker, I have no ability to fight Rayna. I can only call you at Rayna’s instructions. “

Suzi: “…Forget it.” After Yubi, she looked at the design director again: “I want to ask, does the company still need me?”

Design Director: “…”

This woman was brought in by Young Master Jun. Will the company dare not?

She immediately said repeatedly: “Yes, yes, of course!”

As soon as the words of the design director fell, Linda next to him whispered to the ears of the design director: “Director, you can think about it, the person Jun, is basically not more than a day with women, and he drove Suzi with him. Come here because he answered the phone and left when he returned the hand last time.

If you succeed now, do you think Mr. Jun will keep Suzi in the company?

Even Ms. Rayna, a relative of the imperial family, and Young Master Jun dared to expel her immediately, let alone a woman like Suzi?

I think you’d better not make your own claim to let Suzi stay. “

The director thought for a while, Linda was indeed right.

The Ministry of Personnel did not say that Suzi would be hired again.

At this moment, the design director looked at Suzi embarrassingly: “That…”

“It’s okay!” Suzi smiled relievedly, and then glanced at Linda, but Linda looked at Suzi provocatively. The tone seemed to say to Suzi: What’s so great!

“If you don’t keep me, then leave.” After Suzi finished speaking, he turned around and left. She had just walked out of the office two or three steps, but suddenly Linda received an outside call. After hearing a few words from the other party on the phone, Linda suddenly cried and asked, “This…what should I do, also… …There is another remedy?”

Chapter 378

There was a problem with Linda’s design, Suzi saw it last week. Now that I heard Linda begging on the phone, was it something Suzi had expected?


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