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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 439

Read Chapter 439 – 440 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 439

Galia immediately hurriedly said: “But Suzi, no matter what anyone says about you, I don’t believe it! I guess you have nothing to do with Joan. You are innocent, what? Not at all. If there is anything trying to catch the wind, it must be Joan’s sweetheart, he is dependent on you, right! I must be right!

Absolutely! “

Galia’s very affirmative tone made Suzi particularly moved.

She looked at Galia gratefully: “Galia, why do you believe me so firmly?”

“Of course!” Galia said triumphantly.

Then, she continued: “If you talk about family history, Master Lenny’s family background in Kyoto is much better than the current Chu family. What is the Chu family? Six years ago, the Chu family was still famous in Nancheng, but now The Chu family had long been annexed by the Fu group, and there was very little left. Now the people of Nancheng would call Joan Mr. Ling. It was all because of the Fu family’s face, but Lenny was different.

The position of the Jun family in Jingdong is equivalent to that of the Fu family in Nancheng.

And Lenny’s uncle Kraig and Arron have a very good relationship.

You are not rare at all with an identity like Lenny, how could you fall in love with Joan who doesn’t know how many women he played with?

I guessed it right? “

Suzi did not answer Galia, but looked at Galia with a smile on his face: “I think it’s good, although I only have 400 yuan, but I want to give a treat today, let’s talk, what do you want to eat? You said, four hundred dollars! Both of us were arrogant at noon today!”

“Bah!” Galia smiled and poked Suzi on the head: “I said Shen Da stinged. Look at your outfit. Although it looks a bit old-fashioned, you have famous brands all over your body. You have a lot of clothes. Thousands of thousands, you are only willing to spend four hundred yuan if you buy me a meal. You also give me a treat! You are so stingy!”

“Hmm, if you don’t want to, I’ll ask you two hundred for good.” Suzi smiled.

“Shen stingy!”

Suzi continued to tease Galia: “Why don’t you add fifty? How about two hundred and five?” “You two hundred and five!”

“Haha!” Suzi was rarely happy.

The two entered the company lobby with a smile like this, and met several employees who were checking in.

“Still so proud!”

“Of course I’m proud of it. She was a junior, and she injured her sister in the main room. She was pushed away by the company, but she was still able to work here. Moreover, Rayna’s brother-in-law also came to the company to look for her. She is so blatant about getting off work yesterday! She is really thick-skinned.”

“What’s the shame for a woman like her? It’s fine for a man to care about her. As long as a man cares about her, she cares about whether she is a mistress or whether she has robbed someone else’s husband.”

“Eh, I said, your husband is also handsome, you have to pay close attention to your husband, this woman is always willing to come. Look at her, she originally hooked up with Chu Shao, this young man came, and he followed Mr. Hook up, you said that you hooked up with Mr. Jun, you should give up Chu Shao, but people still have a leg with Chu Shao. For her kind of person, the more men are better for her.”

“Puff…the more the better, is it just that a beggar picking up rubbish on the side of the road, she will not refuse anyone who comes?”

“Puff ha ha ha… probably!”

A group of women did not shy away from Suzi and Galia behind them, they just laughed at Suzi unscrupulously.

Galia can’t stand it anymore: “You are too much too! Did you see Suzi and Mr. Ling open the room privately? You just slander him like that! She just knew Mr. Ling, and Mr. Ling came to the company to find her Maybe something else. Isn’t it okay to speak in such a public place? Don’t you guys stop talking to men! What a broken mouth! The company is a place where you work. You are so broken, so slander others are not afraid of the company expelling you. !”

A group of women were immediately speechless when Galia said, and then fled one after another.

Galia looked at Suzi, “Why don’t you justify it?”

Suzi calmly said: “You are not afraid of shadows when you are upright.”

“Good point!” a voice behind him suddenly said.

Chapter 440

When Suzi and Galia turned around, they saw Rayna who hadn’t seen each other for many days.


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