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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 441

Read Chapter 441 – 442 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 441

Suzi was too lazy to talk to Rayna for nothing: “I’m sorry, I should go to work, please don’t disturb me, if I slander me in the company and affect my work, I will consider calling the police!”

After speaking, Suzi pulled Galia and said, “Galia, let’s go in and ignore her.”

Galia and Suzi entered together.

Almost turning a corner, Galia turned her head towards Rayna and gave Rayna a grimace: “Huh, I am mad at you!”

“I am mad! I am mad! You two wait for me. When my cousin comes back from Kyoto, you must be beautiful!” Rayna yelled at the front desk with his hips akimbo.

Anyway, he knew that the two major shareholders were absent these days.

The largest shareholder Darius has not come to the company for two or three weeks due to Grandpa Shu’s illness, and Lenny Junshao was originally a Shenlong who missed the end, not to mention that Lenny was in Kyoto for the past two days.

So Rayna knew that even if she was making trouble here, no one could control her.

However, as soon as Rayna’s words fell, someone from the personnel department came here: “Miss Min, please don’t make a big noise in our company. This will seriously affect the operation of our company. Please leave immediately!”

Rayna: “Are you chasing me?”

Personnel Manager: “Miss Min, you are not our company employee. If you make trouble here again, I will call the police!”

Rayna: “Aw…” burst into tears, and then ran away, covering his face.

In addition to the company’s door, she immediately took out her mobile phone and called Walton: “Cousin, Suzi, as you expected, she came to work in the company, she… even scolded me for being stupid, saying you used Me, cousin, you…”

“She didn’t call you wrong! You are stupid, idiot! Mud can’t help the wall, you still want to marry Young Master Jun! My fiance Joan doesn’t like you, let alone Lenny! “On the other end, Walton shouted at the phone.

She just asked Rayna to see if Suzi went to work again today. Maybe Rayna and Suzi quarreled again. Such a cousin is really stupid!

Walton, who has never regarded Rayna as a human being, does not even consider Rayna as a human being at this time!

Rayna suddenly cried: “Cousin, I k!ssed you. I did it for your own good. I want you to marry Joan sooner. So even if you leave the Shu family, aren’t you still a wealthy wife? I like Master Jun, but I never thought about marrying him, because I know I am not qualified. I just want him to sleep with me once, just once.”

“Batch! Good! You ba5tard! Good! Why don’t you die! Get out!” Walton was furious!

She hurriedly closed the line, angrily trying to smash the phone.

What makes Walton even more angry is that Suzi can actually go to the company to work in a big way.

The courage of a dog is really big!

And Suzi even provoke Rayna!

D*mn it!

Walton didn’t even think about it, so she called Lanita who was far away in Kyoto. This time, her tone was much softer than last night: “That…Miss Lin, you are now Are you busy?”

Lanita sneered: “Walton, what you said last night actually inspired me. I’m afraid that Suzi is not pregnant with my fiancé’s child, but is pregnant with your fiancé’s child first. You are afraid The thing is that you can’t even marry a down-and-out noble man like Joan.”

Chapter 442


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